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Author Topic: Weight Loss:) Loose Skin:(  (Read 8722 times)


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Weight Loss:) Loose Skin:(
« on: August 22, 2011, 12:17:40 AM »
I am currently on a weight loss journey & after many years of yo-yo dieting & child bearing, I am successfully losing weight. Yay!! But I am becoming discouraged with the empty skin I am seeing when I look in the mirror. Instead of seeing inches lost, I only see deflated skin with stretchmarks that look like I was clawed by a tiger:( I'm starting to lose my motivation which is awful bc my health should be my priority but it just really gets me down.  I have a personal trainer, I eat right, I weight train, I do yoga, I drink plenty of h2o, I dry brush my skin, & I use a "firming" OTC lotion but nothing is helping & I cant afford a body lift:( Would you recommend using microneedling for tightening stretched out skin? If so what length? How often? With what products? I am only 26yrs old however I have been overweight most of my life (I don't know if that will make a difference). Thank you for any advice.


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Weight Loss:) Loose Skin:(
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2011, 04:54:31 PM »
I have answered a similar question here:



  Losing weight is difficult, especially after pregnancies and after the well known, damned yoyo effect. Keeping the lost weight off is even harder. You

  should be very proud that you managed! Most people don't. Give your body some time to adjust to your new shape. It is quite likely that the loose skin will improve by itself but it will take some time. However, if you lost an enormous amount of weight, the skin will not adjust and it has to be removed by a plastic surgeon. There is no way a dermaroller or anything else but plastic surgery could fix lots of excessive skin after a dramatic loss of weight.


  If your skin adjusts to your new shape and you hopefully end up merely with mild skin laxity and stretch marks, then buy a 1.5 mm dermaroller.