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Author Topic: 18 yr old with rolling scars? not sure.. with pictures attached. help please  (Read 10887 times)


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my left cheek is the worst, i have about 4 very small boxcars on my right cheek, which i'm also hoping to improve with the dermastamp but i'm more worried about my left cheek. please evaluate the severity of my scars and the steps i should take.. thank you.


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Buy a 1.5 mm dermastamp and stamp your scars densely ever three weeks. First one cheek, when it heals, the other cheek.

If your scars are on a relatively small area, a dermastamp is enough. If your scars are spread on larger area and the skin is in general uneven in color or texture, combine a dermastamp with a dermaroller. In your case, a regular 1 mm dermaroller. You can roll every ten days and stamp every three weeks or you can roll and stamp during the same session (every three weeks).

If you get no results in eight months, add the suction pump but first try just the microneedling:


It is a bit difficult to see on the photo whether you have post-acne pigmentation and uneven skin tone. If you do, use our Tretinoin cream.


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thanks, my skin isnt scarred all over, it's mostly on (approximately) a 2-inch wide area on my lower cheek (on both cheeks).. i guess that would be a small area or medium. i do have a bit of pigmentation but it's quite faint i'd say. in the picture it looks very dark. also, i have a few more questions, do you recommend that i stretch the skin out while stamping? i have heard that this is more effective for penetration of needles.


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Yes, you should stretch the skin out when rolling or stamping, as recommended in our dermarolling instructions.