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Author Topic: How long can I use Infadolan for?  (Read 14509 times)


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How long can I use Infadolan for?
« on: February 13, 2013, 10:07:57 AM »
Hi Sarah

So I am obsessed with this wonderful product Infadolan.

I was doing some of my own reseach on it today, and came across this post.

****maybe this will help; it's from a Czech Pharmacy website:

V: Herbacos-Bofarma. sro. Pardubice.
DR: Herbacos-Bofarma. DR: Herbacos-Bofarma. sro. Pardubice. CR.
retinol acetate 48 000 IU (0.031995 g). Ergocalciferolum 9 000 IU (0.000225 g) in 30 g of ointment.

PL: Mast base: white wax. Wool fat (lanolin). white soft paraffin.
IS: dermatological (a drug for treatment of skin).
CH: Infadolan the ointment for external use containing vitamin A and vitamin D2 in anhydrous Mast base. appropriate to accelerate skin renewal to the affected area.

I: Infadolan is used in adults and children from newborn age on uninfected minor wounds. abrasions. First-degree burns. the dry cracked skin. cracks in the skin grooves. On the recommendation of a physician to treat varicose ulcers (to accelerate epithelization. Healing ulcers. To clean. Non-infected dregs). pressure sores, etc.
Is particularly suited to lubricate dry skin. patients with atopic dermatitis. the sore prevention in children and adults.

KI: Infadolan should not be used in known hypersensitivity to any component of the product and not come into contact with ocular conjunctiva.
ADRs during treatment can be very sporadic hypersensitivity to any component of the product.Symptoms include itching hypersensitivity. redness. swelling of the skin. burning sensation. sometimes even minor eruptions pimples. In the case of these side effects or other unusual reactions discontinue treatment and contact your doctor.

IT: Mutual influence effect Infadolan and other products is not known. Yet without consulting your doctor use simultaneously with the ointment of any OTC products for local use.
If your doctor prescribes a different medicine tell him.
D: Unless the doctor otherwise. adults and children with Infadolan applied in a thin layer 1 to 3 times daily on affected places or on dry skin.
Use in Venous ulcers governing physician.
UZ: If there is a retreat to your problems within 7 days or vice versa will be worsening contact your doctor. Duration of treatment Infadolanem without consulting your doctor should not exceed 2 weeks.
In case of accidental ingestion of large quantities of child may be nausea and vomiting. It is appropriate to encourage or induce vomiting and consult your doctor. When below 25 C in a tightly sealed tube. order to protect from air moisture. Do not freeze.
VA: The product must not be used after the expiry date stated on the packaging.
The product should be stored out of reach and sight of children.
BA: 30 g ointment. *****

The part that concerns me is this quote from the Czech pharmacy:

***Duration of treatment Infadolanem without consulting your doctor should not exceed 2 weeks. ****

I know I had asked if you thought it as okay to use it on a daily basis, but a bit unsure after reading this????



« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 02:30:06 PM by SarahVaughter »


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Re: How long can I use Infadolan for?
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2013, 02:15:02 PM »
That line applies to the treatment of specific skin conditions such as dermatitis, burns, leg ulcers, diaper rash etc. and has been quoted out of context.

Infadolan is not an antiseptic, antibacterial or antifungal and many specific skin conditions are in fact caused by infections with a pathogen. Infadolan is indented for non-infected skin conditions (very popular for use on fresh burns). This is the reason why it is recommended to consult a doctor whether Infadolan is suitable, respectively whether your specific skin condition is infected or not. Instead of writing there a long story with complex argumentation, the leaflet simply tells the user to seek medical guidance when they use the ointment for any non-improving condition. This is the most effective method to achieve the self-treating patient's compliance.

The sentence you are referring to says in its original Czech (three of our dispatch center employees are Czech so we had one of them translate it):

"If your condition does not improve within seven days or if it worsens, contact your doctor. Duration of treatment with Infadolan without consulting your doctor should not exceed two weeks".

(emphasis ours)

The recommendation to see a doctor after 2 weeks of use is not because Infadolan can be bad for you when used long-term, but because when someone uses it on infected skin and the infection is still there after two weeks, Infadolan clearly does not help and the skin problem may even deteriorate if a doctor is not consulted.

The doctor may for example tell you not to use Infadolan because you have a fungal infection and need antifungals. Thus, you should not use Infadolan for more than 14 days without a doctor deciding what your condition is because for example a layer of Infadolan will increase moisture in the skin and that can worsen fungal infections that thrive in humid environments.

The skin after dermarolling is however not infected and Infadolan is very appropriate for regeneration and moisturizing. If you use it for example on the back of your hands for protection and moisturizing, the skin is not infected either and there is no problem with long term usage. Dermarolled or intact skin are not "skin conditions".

To sum it up: Infadolan can be used life-long, every day, from cradle to grave. There is absolutely no risk of any kind associated with it. It's as risky as putting butter on the skin.

You can understand by logical reasoning that Infadolan does not even have the slightest toxicity because if you can use Infadolan for two weeks on a new-born baby before having to see a doctor (as the instructions you quoted state), then an adult that weighs 30 times more would be able to use it for 15 months before having to see a doctor. That already indicates that the "seeing a doctor" recommendation has nothing to do with any possible side effects of the Infadolan. Neither will the doctor, after you having used Infadolan for 2 weeks, administer liver tests to see whether your liver can stand up to more "Infadolan abuse", but he or she will look at why you're using Infadolan (what is wrong with your skin).
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 03:30:05 PM by SarahVaughter »


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Re: How long can I use Infadolan for?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2013, 08:04:28 PM »
Thanks Sarah! That is such a relief

The skin effects i am getting from Infadolan are just amazing!

It makes me think maybe my skin has been deficient in Vitamin A and its now being restored through the Infadolan

One other question - Does Retin A contain a higher concentration of Vit A, than Infadolan does???

I'm still a little concerned if someone already has experienced Vitamin A toxicity in their bloodstream, such as taking a drug Accutane (As Vitamin A is stored indefinitely within the body), if the topical application of Infadolan can tip one over the toxicity level, if the toxicity already existed previous to the topical application of Infadolan???.

My question is opposed to someone with absolutely no Vitamin A toxicity within their body, can safely use Infadolan without even worrying about Vitamin A entering the bloodstream

The reason this is worrying me is because I did take the Accutane many years ago, and did experience long term Vitamin A toxicity health effects from that drug. The last few years, I have just gotten over the worst of the Accutane/Vit A toxicity, and I'm worried about doing anything that could simulate that Vit A overload again.

But I do recall you saying in a previous post that the level of Vit A in the bloodstream from the topical application of Infadolan was almost neglible.
I am so loving the Infadolan, but don't want to risk my health for great skin again, like I did with the Accutane.

So i am asking this question, from the perspective of someone who experienced Vit A toxicity due to Roaccutane, if you think its advisable to continue with Infadolan, or not???

P.S. For anyone reading this or new to this site, Sarah Vaughter is the real deal. She is genuine, cares about improving her products and about helping people. Even if a question is controversial, Sarah will tackle it and not shy away from it, and for that, I thank you Sarah Vaughter!


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Re: How long can I use Infadolan for?
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2013, 08:25:17 PM »
P.P.S. I am using Infadolan, but I am NOT dermarolling. So maybe that means NO Vitamin A from Infadolan would actually reach my bloodstream, as opposed to dermarolling, and then applying the Infadolan????


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Re: How long can I use Infadolan for?
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2013, 05:14:45 PM »
Vit. A

   "Acute toxic dose is 25,000 IU/kg, and chronic toxic dose is 4000 IU/kg every day for 6-15 months.”

  Source: https://

Our 30-gram tubes of Infadolan contain in total 48,000 IU of Retinyl acetate per tube.

For acute toxicity, an individual weighing 50 kg would have to eat 26 tubes of Infadolan in one go.

For chronic toxicity, an individual weighing 50 kg would have to eat four tubes of Infadolan daily for 6 to 15 months.