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Author Topic: How can I incorporate the dermaroller into my skin routine?  (Read 13292 times)


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How can I incorporate the dermaroller into my skin routine?
« on: August 07, 2013, 01:59:13 AM »
Hello Sarah. I suffered from cystic acne that has left indented scarring on my cheeks. I have my acne under control now and along with scarring, I am also left with some hyperpigmentation marks. I'm planning on using the 1.5 mm dermaroller once a month, along with the vitamin c powder. I would also like to use Infadolan to apply right after the process but I'm not sure if it's a good idea in my case. I do have oily and acne-prone skin. I have a certain skin care routine and I also take vitamins for the skin. It consists of vitamins and minerals A, E, Zinc, Selenium. How/When do I incorporate the dermaroller?

My routine
MORNING:  •desert essence all natural face wash
                  •apply clindamycin phosphate/Benz per. Gel on certain areas
                  •take skin vitamin

EVENING:  •desert essence all natural face wash
                 •apply clindamycin phosphate/Benz per. Gel on certain areas
                           DEPENDING ON THE DAY OF THE WEEK, I will use:
                                   •Burt's bees all natural exfoliating scrub 2/week
                                   •Aztec Indian healing clay mask 2/week

1. Since Infadolan is oily and contains vitamin A, should I stay away from it since I have acne prone skin and my skin vitamin contains vit A already? If it's okay, should I only apply very little and use it on that day of the process only?

2. Should I avoid using my clindamycin/Benz per. Gel on the days I use vit. C?

3. Is it safe to wash my face with my all natural face wash right before dermarolling?

4. When is it safe to exfoliate and/or mask my skin, since I will be dermarolling once a month?

5. What if the vitamin c makes my skin breakout? What should I do or use instead?

I have attached a picture of my skin. I took it under lighting that made my scarring look at its WORST. These are indented scars from cystic acne. The long scar on the left side is from when I got stabbed with a pen as a child, not from acne.


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Re: How can I incorporate the dermaroller into my skin routine?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2013, 06:23:18 PM »
Sorry for the delayed answer!
You should definitely add a 1.5 mm dermastamp to your 1.5 mm dermarolling sessions. During the same session, first stamp the scars, and then roll the area with the scars. Use it on your "pen scar" as well.
You do not have to treat both cheeks at the same time. Treat thoroughly one cheek, when it heals treat the other.
You could try our Tretinoin cream for your hyperpigmentation marks.

1. Since Infadolan is oily and contains vitamin A, should I stay away from it since I have acne prone
skin and my skin vitamin contains vit A already? If it's okay, should I only apply very little and use it on that day of the process only?

If you are acne prone, keep the treated area moisturized with something that you know from your experience does not break you out.

2. Should I avoid using my clindamycin/Benz per. Gel on the days I use vit. C?
Apply benzoyl peroxide in the morning but preferably not in the evening of vit. C application (vit. C should be applied in the evening). Vit. C application three times a week is sufficient.
Do not apply bezoyl peroxide in the evening of your needling day and preferably not the day after either.

3. Is it safe to wash my face with my all natural face wash right before dermarolling?
You can but it is not a replacement for disinfection.

4. When is it safe to exfoliate and/or mask my skin, since I will be dermarolling once a month?
If the skin is still red, swollen, tender or dry from microneedling, do not exfoliate. If you get scabs after stamping, do not exfoliate until the scabs fall off naturally by themselves.

5. What if the vitamin c makes my skin breakout? What should I do or use instead?
If it caused any problems then make it less concentrated: Dilute it with more water.


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Re: How can I incorporate the dermaroller into my skin routine?
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2013, 01:24:28 PM »
Thank you so much for your advice, Sarah. I appreciate it.

1. So then after I stamp my scars, I only use the dermaroller on my scars and not my entire face?

2. Since my natural face wash contains some tea tree oil, would it be bad if I washed my face with it the next morning after my treatment?

3. What about makeup? Is it safe to apply the next day if my makeup contains 2% salicylic acid?

4. What would you recommend I use to disinfect my face right before I start stamping and rolling?


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Re: How can I incorporate the dermaroller into my skin routine?
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2013, 04:20:34 PM »
1. So then after I stamp my scars, I only use the dermaroller on my scars and not my entire face?
 Yes, only on the area of scars and pigmentations/spots. Your skin elsewhere does not need dermarolling. Concentrate on your scars.

2. Since my natural face wash contains some tea tree oil, would it be bad if I washed my face with it the next morning after my treatment?

Yes, you can wash your face with it the morning after.

3. What about makeup? Is it safe to apply the next day if my makeup contains 2% salicylic acid?
 It depends how "raw" the skin is the day after. Stamping the skin will usually result in relatively "raw" skin for a day or two (do a small test patch first to see how your skin reacts). If you do not have to, do not apply make up at least the day after.
4. What would you recommend I use to disinfect my face right before I start stamping and rolling?

Betadine liquid. For sale in pharmacies.
If you get no significant results in about eight months, add our suction pump. It looks like some of your largest scar may be tethered.
You can also try inducing intensive peeling by applying the A-Ret cream right after dermarolling (it stings and it irritates the skin). Do a test patch first to see how your skin reacts.
You can read about it in this forum thread (reply 25 from Cesamaddictaol and my reply 26):