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Author Topic: Best options for my stretch marks  (Read 8506 times)


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Best options for my stretch marks
« on: August 08, 2013, 05:25:00 PM »
Hey there, I'm very impressed with all the good feedback from these products and I'm wanting to try and treat my (many!) problems with derma needling. My main issue is my stretch marks. They are basically everywhere. I'd like to try the single needling but it would take me a year to do one treatment and I can't really reach or see the ones on my butt and backs of legs and lower back to be able to treat them well accurately with a single needle. Lots of these are very very deep marks, it looks like I've been clawed by a tiger.  :-[ What would be the best option for these very deep scars which are hard to reach?  Frequency of treatment and also method?

The other marks are very thin and not very deep at all but very prolific in areas like the fronts of my thighs. It's basically just all lines of marks. They are very white but show badly when I tan. Would a normal roller be best for these?

The last question is just an enquiry if all of your items are ok to ship to the uk?

I really look forward to your reply and to starting these treatments. You will most definately get some before and after photos from me and reccomendations in the uk!


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Re: Best options for my stretch marks
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2013, 06:24:04 PM »
Buy a regular 1.5 mm dermaroller and a 1.5 mm dermastamp with 35 needles and a Tretinoin cream. Follow more or less the routine that is described here:
We cannot ship Tretinoin cream to England so you will have to buy it somewhere else.
We are working very hard on designing an electric dermastamp that is suitable for microneedling. You will be able to buy it in our store in the future. Most of electric microneedling devices that are currently on the market are not suitable for skin microneedling.
Manual stamping will do the same job as "electric stamping". Manual stamping is just more laborious and time consuming.