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Author Topic: Partial face rolling  (Read 9312 times)


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Partial face rolling
« on: November 13, 2010, 03:37:03 AM »

I've noticed with my 0.25 rolls that my cheeks are getting dry (could be the vic C?) so afraid to roll on the dry flakey skin.  Is it o.k. to to roll the non dry flakey bits or am I wasting my time and should I wait till the dryness goes?




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Partial face rolling
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2010, 12:19:36 PM »
Dermarolling speeds up the skin's turnover. In other words, it speeds up the skin's renewal. It basically makes the skin peel a little and the dry flakes are getting replaced by new skin.


  More frequent rolls are good for aging skin because as we age, the natural renewal of the skin slows down.


  If you are a young girl, your skin renews regularly so you do not need to roll your face that often, unless you are trying to get rid of pigmentations, uneven skin tone etc.


  You should reduce the frequency of rolls, dilute the vit. C serum with more water or reduce the frequency of application and keep the skin moisturized.


  One of the best skin moisturizer is almond oil. Wet a cotton pad with tap water, add some almond oil and clean your skin with it.


  The same goes for exfoliation. It makes the skin glowing but overly frequent exfoliation might temporarily cause dry skin. The same with overly frequent acid peels.


  If you do not roll too often, it might be that the vit. C serum is too strong. Just dilute it with water.