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Author Topic: Suggestions for chin scars?  (Read 13658 times)


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Suggestions for chin scars?
« on: October 17, 2011, 03:29:12 PM »
I have these scars on my chin. I have been using .25% retin a since the end of August and just moved up to .5% once my skin was no longer red or flaky from using the weakest strength on a nightly basis. I have the 1mm dermaroller and the 1.5 dermastamp from you but I am afraid to use them for fear of creating more scars. Should I try single needling for my chin? Can I still apply the .5% retin a after I roll, stamp, or single needle? I use biafine during the day and sunscreen on top if I am going to be outside. I am fair hair, fair skin, 41 yr old female. I do not want to risk or spend $ I do not have on lasers, esp since I have seen some awful results online. You just never know what your outcome will be.

What would your advice be?

Love your site BTW! Very informative!

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Suggestions for chin scars?
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2011, 04:26:01 AM »
Do you know what caused your scars? I am asking because they seem to be slightly tethered to the underlying structures. I think you should  use your 1.5 mm dermastamp and combine it with the suction method. Please read this forum posting:



First do a test patch on one scar. You do not have to do subcision. Stamp the scar with the dermastamp and perform some kind of suction method.


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Suggestions for chin scars?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2011, 12:46:18 PM »
For some reason when I was in my teens and 20's all my acne would show up on my forehead or my chin. My cheeks were never touched by zits! Weird. Anyway, I would get these large, red painful zits all crowded together on my chin-  they do look patterned, don't they?. They would stay there for a long period of time before healing. I did use accutane at 23, which helped cease the issue. Now I have these scars. In my own opinion I think the skin in between the pits left by the acne must be compromised and weak and a bit sunken. So you think I should dermastamp on one, as a test - then perhaps try the suction method? I am looking in your forum for someone to note some success with this method.

Thanks for your input! I love they way you called out White Lotus on the breast enlargement through dermarolling scam, that was just WRONG!


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Suggestions for chin scars?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2011, 12:57:11 PM »
So do I cleanse, disinfect, dermastamp, then apply the retin a? or skip the retin a that night and use the A&D ointment? or use the .25% retin a instead of .5%?


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Suggestions for chin scars?
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2011, 04:14:34 PM »
Yes I think you should stamp one scar and perform some kind of suction. Repeat the stamping and suction method every three weeks.

Skip the A-Ret that night. The A-Ret is useful for scars with hardened collagen but you do not seem to have these.

The scars on the chin are quite difficult to improve and you have to be patient and try various approaches.

Check our forum posting called "Saline injections for acne scars".


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Suggestions for chin scars?
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2011, 07:02:26 PM »
Thanks, I will try that. I am a bit uncertain about the suction method. Guess I need more research on it ...