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Author Topic: scratched skin with scrubbing pads  (Read 9449 times)


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scratched skin with scrubbing pads
« on: November 16, 2012, 02:33:38 PM »
6 years ago i used for the first time oil olay scrubbing pads and a face powder for the tzone after using both products twice, my face went up inflamed.  Got red dots all over, blisters, scratches it feels tights, burns and itches at time.  I was put on cortisone for a while of course made it worse and now i have no idea what to do.  I have gone to 7 dermatologist they want me to be on antibiotics but i don't want to take that forever.  I took it for 14 days and when i stop everything comes back again.  My skin looks blotchy and dry.  If i use metrogel it irritates my skin a lot.  Please can someone help me i am going crazy with this.  Thanks.


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Re: scratched skin with scrubbing pads
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2012, 02:51:01 PM »
I am really surprised scrubbing pads triggered such long-term problems with your skin.

Did any of the dermatologists tell you what the suspected cause is?  A bacterial or fungal infection perhaps?
Long-term inflammation? Rosacea? Did they perform any tests?

If antibiotics helped you, you may ask your dermatologist whether a topical antibiotic would be an option for you?

You could try some topical anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen or diclofenac gels (OTC in pharmacies) or buy NUROFEN rapid capsules or NAPROXEN capsules and pierce them. They both contain a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory subtance. But I am not sure whether what you have is an inflammation.

You can also try Tea Tree Oil (it has some anti - inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties) but you must dilute it a lot because it is an etherical oil and that can be irritating. Try it on a small part for the face to see how your skin reacts.

To relieve dryness and sooth the skin, sprinkle a cotton pad with water, add almond oil and apply in your skin.

In any case, dermarolling is not suitable for you and it will not help with this skin condition.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 04:47:45 PM by SarahVaughter »


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Re: scratched skin with scrubbing pads
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2012, 03:37:49 PM »
i have also a problem like that,from 7 months ago i used 10%hydroxy acid exfoliator[ skin biology lacsal serum] on my cheeks and right temple for acne scars and after first time of using i get bad irritation ,redness and dryness, i tried many creams to soothe redness like dakrakort cream,creams contain zinc oxide , bioderma sensbio forte and bepanthen but redness still here,i also noticed small blood vessels,i went to doctor lately and he gave me Doxycycline, it's oral antibiotic but i don't notice any change till now, any ideas?? thanks


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Re: scratched skin with scrubbing pads
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2012, 05:02:17 PM »
I do not have more ideas than in my above posting but if your skin is dry and irritated, applying a cream with zinc oxide is not a good idea. Zinc oxide is an excellent protection against sun damage (it deflects UV rays) and it is used for nappy rash where its drying effect is beneficial.

Zinc oxide has anti-inflammatory properties but its drying effect can irritate skin that is already dry and irritated.