There are several studies concerning retinoic acid and hypertrophic scars and keloids. Unfortunately in many cases you have to pay for the study to view them.
The local treatment of hypertrophic scars and keloids with topical retinoic acid
“In a clinical trial twenty-eight intractable cases with scars were treated with daily applications of a 0.05% solution of retinoic acid.
The results were evaluated objectively and subjectively. Slight to marked reduction of the size of these scars and decrease of such complaints as itching were noted in the majority of the cases. A favourable result was obtained according to the patients in 79%, and according to the opinion of the medical examiner in 77% of the patients.”
Selected therapeutic applications of topical tretinoin.
Haas AA, Arndt KA
“Since topical retinoic acid was first used for acne in 1959, many additional uses have been described for lesions on the skin, oral mucosa, and ocular surface epithelia. The topical application of retinoic acid has been shown to be effective in the treatment of several disorders of keratinization, keloids and hypertrophic scars, and various infections and inflammatory, pigmentation, and malignant and premalignant disorders. This article briefly reviews the use of topical retinoic acid for selected cutaneous conditions”.
Scar tissue contains the same collagen as scar-free skin but the collagen fibers are differently aligned.
Vitamin A is essential for normal activity of skin cells.
Vit. A increases neovascularization of the dermis which could improve the scar since scars tissue is typically badly vascularized.
Vit. A also increases skin cells mitosis and thus acceleration skinĀ“ s renewal which might contribute to the improvement of a scar tissue.
The effect of vit. A is actually not yet fully understood but in a way it “normalizes” skin.
Needle the scar (once a month) and apply A-Ret immediately after. Continue applying A-Ret.
Combine it with the pressure massage. Apply pressure with your fingers onto the scar for approx. 20 seconds, spot by spot. Repeat daily.