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Author Topic: 1.5mm vs 2mm dermaroller  (Read 14060 times)


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1.5mm vs 2mm dermaroller
« on: November 17, 2011, 11:43:34 PM »

Was wondering if you would recommend a 1.5mm or 2mm dermaroller for my belly. I have slight loose skin  after weight loss. I am a 27 year old male and have been using Retin A on my belly for about a year. My belly also consists of many long stretch marks (although the stretch marks are mainly above the belly button--while the loose skin is below the belly button). I realize the results won't be amazing, but I will be satisfied with even a little bit of increase skin laxity. If there is any further information that can help in your decision feel free to ask.

Thanks in advance,



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1.5mm vs 2mm dermaroller
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2011, 03:40:44 PM »
Congratulations with your weigh loss!

 It's not easy to lose weight, I'm sure you can confirm.. I am planning to write an article about the challenges. Do you mind to share how you managed?

  I think you should start with a 1.5 mm dermaroller.  It will take many months before you will see improvement. Roll densely. A dermaroller will eventually get blunt and you can always buy a 2 mm roller next time. By that time you will know how much pinpoint bleeding you get with the 1.5 mm, how can you bear the pain, whether you get results. A 1.5 mm dermaroller penetrates about 1.3 mm into the skin and this certainly reaches the dermis part of the skin, which is your target. You should also exercise a lot to tone the muscles of your stomach. It helps.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 09:21:28 AM by SarahVaughter »


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1.5mm vs 2mm dermaroller
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2011, 05:31:32 PM »
Hi, Loose Skin, I have experienced weight loss too, so I just wanted to give you some added advice. You have to work out for your skin to get firmer. If you have only been on a diet then probably all your body needs some toning up. And when your tummy will be toned enough even your stretch marks wont be as noticeable.

Exercise is a must if you want to keep up your good results. For men a really good workout system is p90x or insanity. I write it here only because it helped for me to get in shape. A diet+ fitness. But if you have too much of a loose skin then you should try a tummy tuck.


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1.5mm vs 2mm dermaroller
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2011, 05:46:17 PM »
Thanks for the response Sarah! I like your idea of starting out with the 1.5mm and graduate to the 2mm once it requires replacing.

As for how I managed to lose weight, originally all it took was eating healthier; i completly changed my eating habits:

  • I replaced high gi foods (white bread, potatoes, sugary cereals, etc) with low-gi foods (whole grain bread, red potatoes, healthy whole grain cereals such as Kashi, etc).

  • I stopped eating eating fast food as much, limiting my fast food intake to once a week on Saturdays.

  • I stopped drinking Soda (this was a big source of my weight gain--I literally used to get all my fluid intake from Pepsi)

  • I also incorporating daily exercise (aerobic, 30-45min)

As I got leaner (under 15% bodyfat) I had to get smarter to continue losing fat, at this point I began counting calories in order to learn my daily caloric needs, with which I was able to create a small deficit and continue losing fat.

Now I am pretty much at my body's set point, and it isn't worth it trying to get my body fat under the set point. I continue to eat healthy, do daily exercise  and count calories. It really helps me manage my diet. For example, I can eat a nice piece of chocolate cake without the guilt because I know it is still within my daily calorie intake.  (As a side note, I also do strength training, but I have been doing this for years, including while I was morbidly obese).

Feel free to ask any questions!


PS Can you roll over visible veins with a 1.5mm/2mm Roller? Like the veins you see on bodybuilders, or very lean muscular people. I have a visible vein near my loose skin and wanted to know if I should be sure to avoid it, or if it would be safe to roll over it. Thanks!


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1.5mm vs 2mm dermaroller
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2011, 12:06:39 PM »
Thank you Daisy and Loose skin for you postings.

  It's funny, two weeks ago I wrote the first part of my "How to lose weight" article and my main points are identical with your dieting tips. Permanently quitting sugary drinks is an essential step in losing weight and, if you don't substitute it with another sources of calories, a very effective way for permanent weight loss.


  No, I do not think it is a good idea to roll over skin with large bulgy veins. Especially not with a 2 mm dermaroller. If you cannot avoid rolling over them, do not apply any pressure on the roller.