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Author Topic: Why use Tretinoin for stretch marks?  (Read 17402 times)


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Why use Tretinoin for stretch marks?
« on: January 27, 2012, 08:18:51 PM »
hi sarah, it says that the a-ret cannot be shipped to Canada. What other trusted places can I buy this? Also, is there any other items on your site you don't ship to Canada? I only want to buy some single needles, 1.5 dermaroller, infadolen, a-ret, chloramine-t, and vit.c.

Also, if i don't use a-ret, can i use other stretch mark creams (for old white stretch marks) such as strivectin?


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Why use Tretinoin for stretch marks?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2012, 12:20:20 PM »
Canada sometimes confiscates the A-Ret (Tretinoin) because in some countries such as in Canada, it is only available on prescription. Your family doctor can prescribe it for you. Tell him/her for example you want it for anti-aging purposes.


  All your other mentioned products are OK to be sent to Canada.


  You can apply any creams you like, however concerning Tretinoin, there are medical studies showing that Tretinoin improves stretch marks. Tretinoin was much more effective for early stretch marks than old stretch marks however, a mature scar such as an old stretch mark consist of tough collagen bundles that basically prevent absorption of Tretinoin whereas a fresh stretch mark is still penetrable. Dermarolling /needling will crush the hard collagen bundles scar tissue of an old stretch mark and make it penetrable for Tretinoin. That is why I recommend using Tretinoin even for old stretch marks. It is certainly worth trying. Dermarolling highly enhances the absorption of any creams so there is no reason using very high percentages of Tretinoin.  We will soon sell a 0.025%, 0.05% and 0.1% Tretinoin cream in our shop.

  Unfortunately, Tretinoin cannot be used when pregnant, planning a pregnancy or while breastfeeding.



  Topical Tretinoin (Retinoic Acid) Improves Early Stretch Marks

Sewon Kang, MD; Kwang J. Kim, MD, PhD; Christopher E. M. Griffiths, MD; Tai-Yuen Wong, MD; Harvinder S. Talwar, PhD; Gary J. Fisher, PhD; David Gordon, MD; Ted A. Hamilton, MS; Charles N. Ellis, MD; John J. Voorhees, MD

Arch Dermatol. 1996;132(5):519-526.

Background and Design

Stretch marks are disfiguring lesions usually caused by excessive stretching of skin. We investigated the response of early, clinically active stretch marks to topical 0.1% tretinoin (retinoic acid) cream. In a double-blind, randomized, vehicle-controlled study, 22 patients applied either 0.1% tretinoin (n=10) or vehicle (n=12) daily for 6 months to the affected areas. Patients were evaluated by physical examination monthly and by analysis of biopsy specimens of stretch marks obtained before and at the end of therapy in comparison with untreated normal skin.  




After 2 months, patients treated with tretinoin had significant improvement in severity scores of stretch marks compared with patients who received vehicle (P<.05). After 6 months, eight (80%) of the 10 tretinointreated patients had definite or marked improvement compared with one (8%) of the 12 vehicle-treated patients (P=.002). Targeted stretch marks in patients treated with tretinoin had a decrease in mean length and width of 14% and 8%, respectively, compared with an increase of 10% (P<.001) and 24% (P=.008), respectively, in patients who received vehicle. There were no significant differences in various measures of quality and quantity of dermal collagen and elastic fibers in stretch marks when tretinoin and vehicle treatments were compared.


Topical application of tretinoin significantly improves the clinical appearance of early, active stretch marks. The processes that are responsible for the clinical improvement remain unknown.

Topical tretinoin 0.1% for pregnancy-related abdominal striae: An open-label, multicenter, prospective study

Onésimo Rangel, Isabel Arias, Edith García and Sergio Lopez-Padilla


In an open-label, multicenter, prospective study, 20 women applied tretinoin (retinoic acid) cream 0.1% daily for 3 months to pregnancy-related stretch marks in the abdominal area. Efficacy was evaluated by analysis of one preselected target lesion, which was rated on a six-point scale (−1 = worse to 4 = cleared). At week 12, significant global improvement was noted from baseline in all stretch marks, and the target lesion decreased in length by 20% (P = .01). Erythema and scaling, the most common adverse events, occurred in 11 patients, decreased in severity after the first month of treatment, and were controlled with continued application of tretinoin and petroleum jelly ointment. In this small study, topical application of tretinoin significantly improved the clinical appearance of pregnancy-related stretch marks.

More about Tretinoin
