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Author Topic: Pinpoint bleeding with .5mm dermastamp  (Read 8917 times)


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Pinpoint bleeding with .5mm dermastamp
« on: February 18, 2013, 07:33:17 PM »
Hi Sarah,

I have been using your .5mm dermaroller for a few months to help with light scarring all over my chin from a chemical peel I had about 18 months ago.  The scars look like small lines as if I pulled at the peeling skin (which I did not).   I also have some shallow acne scars amongst the peel marks on the middle of my chin with several on or near the crease of my chin.

I recently purchased your .5 mm dermastamp to get at some of the lines and scars near the crease that I can't quite hit with the roller.

Both times I've used the .5 stamp, I've had pinpoint bleeding.  I was planning on buying the 1 mm stamp to be more aggressive in this area but I'm wondering if this would be too much if I am bleeding with the .5 mm. 

Should I stick with the .5 for now or is moving up to the 1 mm ok?

My apologies if you've answered this.  I've spent hours on your site over that last 6 months and I am very appreciative of your expertise!


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Re: Pinpoint bleeding with .5mm dermastamp
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2013, 01:24:21 PM »
It is all quite individual. We have customers who get pinpoint bleeding when rolling their face with a 0.5 mm dermaroller and we have those who complain that they get no pinpoint bleeding when rolling their face with a 2 mm dermaroller. It is both OK.

A dermastamp however penetrates deeper than a dermaroller of the same needle size.

Treat your scars with the dermastamp you already have and only if you get no improvement in six months, go for longer needles.


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Re: Pinpoint bleeding with .5mm dermastamp
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2013, 08:36:19 AM »
Thank you!  I'll keep at it for a while and see how it goes.