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Author Topic: Question about food and supplements  (Read 12071 times)


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Question about food and supplements
« on: April 11, 2011, 01:08:48 PM »
(this is a legitimate post, someone else replied with spam in the previous thread)

Besides applying Vit C and A, are there any foods or supplements that may be ingested to improve the results dermarolling/needling?  Is it true zinc can aid in the regeneration?

Thank you


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Question about food and supplements
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2011, 07:03:04 PM »
Dear Jeff,

The reason I deleted your post is because you are (still) posting from a Puerto Rico SPAM IP address:



Please note how search result #1 lists your IP address as an open mail server used for comment spamming. The biggest red flag possible - it doesn't get any more spammy than that. Several complaints have been lodged against your IP address for forum SPAM.

And please look here:


Your IP has a 93% SPAM rating and is in several blacklists. The reputation of your IP address is as bad as it can be. 100% "bad". Almost off-the-scale bad.

Because there was a near-immediate reply to your posting with a glorious review for a competing product (against our forum rules), we assumed both posts were by a spammer because this is how spammers work nowadays, otherwise it would be too obvious. Newbie #1 comes with a seemingly innocuous question, newbie #2 posts a 5-star review of some spammed-to-high-heaven overpriced product, and both are the same person hiding behind a notorious SPAM proxy (Jeff/Jeff2) and another semi public place such as a university or internet cafe, as the person with the positive review posted from.

We may have made a mistake in your case though, sometimes real forum participants behave indistinguishable from spammers.

However the only possibility of you not being a spammer is that your computer has a virus that channels SPAM.

In that case you must take immediate action, as some SPAM can be links to child porn etc. and you could be held legally responsible for that. It would not be the first time people ended up in jail innocently due to a virus.

I am very sorry but when we suspect SPAM we react with extreme prejudice. In case of doubt we don't ask questions - we delete and ban and sort out the details later.

That's how we keep this forum nice and clean. Nearly all other forums are SPAM-infested - without most people even realizing it. Perhaps you have a reason why you're using a blacklisted-for-SPAM IP but any thread started by known and confirmed spammers will be deleted, especially if it contains links to dodgy competitors who appear to be paying for "link placement".

I can answer your question (instead of deleting you again) if you explain why your IP address is blacklisted on several lists for forum comment SPAM?


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Question about food and supplements
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2011, 07:18:23 PM »
This is from SPAMHAUS:

IP Address xxx.28.52.1 is listed in the CBL. It appears to be infected with  a spam sending trojan or proxy.

 It was last detected at 2011-04-11 21:00 GMT (+/- 30 minutes), approximately 2 hours ago.

 It has been relisted following a previous removal at 2011-02-04 14:20 GMT (66 days, 8 hours, 56 minutes ago)

 [SIZE=+1]This IP is infected (or NATting for a computer that is infected) with the lethic spambot. [/SIZE]


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Question about food and supplements
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2011, 07:33:20 PM »
I will answer your question tomorrow.

You should reinstall Windows or the police may be knocking on your door soon. SPAM is a criminal offence with a max. penalty of 7 year in jail in many US states nowadays. I'm not sure of Puerto Rico. Forum SPAM is still mostly legal though, but the virus also spams to email addresses, which is a criminal offence.


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Question about food and supplements
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2011, 03:00:52 AM »
Wow I had no idea about this, I'll look into this today.  This is very strange as I don't have Windows installed and there is no unusual networking activity.

Please delete the IP address from your original reply to prevent further problems.

And thank you again.


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Question about food and supplements
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2011, 06:17:26 PM »
Oral vit. C is useful because our body can't synthesize vit. C. But do not take more than 500 mg a day since it could cause kidney stones in some individuals.

If you take more than a few grams/day, your body will "get used" to it and then you'll develop scurvy when you discontinue the mega-dose regimen.

It is important to eat healthy food. There is no miraculous supplement that can make your skin beautiful if you otherwise eat garbage and lack minerals or vitamins.

To support the results of dermarolling, you should not be deficient in zinc or any other mineral, vitamin or trace element.

Unfortunately, our food is grown in depleted soils nowadays - that includes industrial green houses.

You could take a multimineral + trace elements and multivitamin, especially in winter or in periods of stress (including pregnancy and illness).

There are some studies that zinc would help with healing, especially inflamed injuries. because Zinc is an anti-inflammatory:


Zinc is not suitable for all injuries because it can irritate.

When applied externally, it is an astringent with a skin drying effect, which makes it useful in prevention of baby diaper rash and other condition when skin drying is beneficial. It is certainly not suitable to apply immediately after dermarolling. The skin must be maximally moisturized right after dermarolling.

The most beneficial form of Zinc for the skin is as zinc oxide in sunscreens:
