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Messages - MartinD

Pages: 1
Just wanted to post an update regarding the wartmolevanish product i used to remove moles.

I had quite a few moles on the arms and legs and so thought this would be a good product to use to get rid of them all in one go.

Well, the moles are gone, the product definitely does that, but i am currently left with red marks in place of those moles.

Some of the red marks are fading, very slowly, while others are still a bright red color.

I have single needled the marks hoping that will help, and am currently looking into vbeam or nlite laser treatment to further help remove the redness.

I didn't actually realise this product was sold on amazon, as i purchased it on ebay, but after reading the reviews on amazon i probably wouldn't use this product again.

So just a warning for anyone thinking of using wart mole vanish, just be aware that it could leave you with red marks that could take a very long time to fade on their own. I think it would be better to get moles professionally removed.

If anyone has any suggestions on reducing the redness (which is essentially caused by a chemical burn) it would be appreciated.

I agree, the product is very expensive and you get such a small amount. But it works so i'm happy with it.

The product I used is called "wart mole vanish".

I have used one application and am waiting for my scabs/moles to fall off. The few scabs that have fallen off the mole is gone, so the product does appear to work.

I ordered mine from ebay.

I thought it would be useful to include the paper i read as it does mention hypopigmentation can occur after laser resurfacing and chemical peels:

Postinflammatory hypopigmentation
V. Vachiramon and K. Thadanipon
2011  Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 36, 708–714

There is an effective product for mole removal which i have recently started to use. It requires one 20 minute application, afterwhich a scab forms and eventually falls off. I am probably not allowed to say the product name otherwise my comment will be deleted.

Sarah, I seem to have developed hypopigmentation on the corner of my mouth after dermarolling. It is a white irregularly shaped patch of skin, no scarring, which doesn't tan very well/at all when i apply fake tan.

As I think this has been caused by dermarolling, is this something i can treat by dermarolling as you suggest? Looking online I suspect this may be classed as post-inflammatory hypopigmentation as found this from a journal article:

"Postinflammatory hypopigmentation is a common cause of acquired hypopigmentary
disorders. It can be a result of cutaneous inflammation, injury or dermatological
treatment. Most cases of postinflammatory
hypopigmentation improve spontaneously within weeks or months if the primary
cause is ceased"

The cutaneous inflammation/injury part made me think that my issue was caused by dermarolling.

Dermarolling / Microneedling / Re: Is Copper Mask After Rolling OK?
« on: February 11, 2013, 04:01:33 PM »
thanks Sarah, I did read that post but was unsure of whether the face mask had any kind of anti-inflammatory action.

Dermarolling / Microneedling / Is Copper Mask After Rolling OK?
« on: February 11, 2013, 03:37:20 PM »
Sarah, I know you recommend not applying any anti-inflammatory products after rolling as this would interfere with the inflammation process after rolling and thus limit its effectiveness, but i was wondering if this also applies to the copper peptide facial mask you sell?

Would applying the face mask immediately after rolling interfere with the collagen induction process?

I just saw this video on youtube about homemade vitamin C serum. [deleted] makes the point that as soon as the water evaporates on the skin the vitamin c crystallizes and so can't be absorbed by the skin.

I have recently started making my own vitamin c solution and apply emu oil afterwards, so i wonder if this would still be a problem?

Sarah, I was wondering what your opinion is on his video?

[deleted due to violation of forum rule #8]

I also found this journal article which i found interesting:


Pages: 1