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Author Topic: Rolling-type scars  (Read 7219 times)


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Rolling-type scars
« on: August 05, 2012, 07:31:19 PM »
I'm 25 and had really bad acne when I was around 16-17, and have had scars ever since. Around last March I started using a 1.5mm roller every 4-5 weeks for a few months and have definitely noticed an improvement. The surface scars are much less noticeable - in normal lighting they look more like light freckles than scars, which I can live with. But under bright lights, even bright sunlight, my skin is really uneven and bumpy which really bothers me. I've read about the suction method on here, but does that work with rolling or just with subcision?

I was also going to get the 0.2mm roller to use every week with the copper peptide serum, would that help overall?


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Re: Rolling-type scars
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2012, 09:20:58 AM »
I am really happy that you saw an improvement.  Scars are hard to address and every small improvement is a major victory. Yes, the subcision metod works with dermarolling too and especially with dermastamping/needling:


Buy a 1.5 mm dermastamp and combine it with the suction method.

A 0.5 mm dermaroller is a better option in your case than a 0.2 mm. A 0.2 is a good choice for post-acne or other pigmentations or for dilated pores.