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Author Topic: Best Wound Healing Method on Face - a Child  (Read 12067 times)


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Best Wound Healing Method on Face - a Child
« on: August 28, 2011, 04:31:08 AM »
Hi there,

My 5 yr old son got a cut on his face, about three weeks ago.

Took him to the ER (looked quite deep and medical centre advised for him to to hospital)

Anyway, at the hospital, they looked at it, and used that superglue stuff to bond it together (said it wasn't deep enough for


What is bothering me, is that they also applied this sticky adhesive gauze straight over it. Well, they told me that as it starts to peel, just snip off the side where its peeling.

Well, its only peeled a little bit, and i think there is a scab underneath as it feels slightly bumpy (but no pain or tenderness)

Is it best to leave this in place and let it fall off on its own, the sticky adhesive I think is called " Fixomull"??? It has been three weeks that its been on, but it does have little airation holes, that allows wound to breathe.

Do u think its best to take it off, or leave it on, till it naturally works its way off? I want to do whats best so he doesnt get a scar, or at least,a very minimal one, but i thoguht taking it off and allowing it to breathe would be the best way now after 3 wwks?? Becoz its on the face, I think the gauze is helping to keep the scab on, as if it comes off, methinks he will rub scab off.

I also was thinking that down the track, if it does scar, maybe the dermaroller would be good?



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Best Wound Healing Method on Face - a Child
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2011, 06:05:18 PM »
Definitely do not force the Fixomull off, wait for it to fall off by itself.

  If you soak Fixomull with water or oil, it will facilitate its gentle removal but never force it off since premature removal of the scab can cause scarring.


  The regenerative ability of a child's skin is amazing since the turnover of their skin is very rapid and they seldom end up with permanent scars.

  Even if there is a small scar after Fixomull removal, the scar will most likely disappear. This can take several months.


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Best Wound Healing Method on Face - a Child
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2011, 11:30:55 AM »
Thank you sarah!

So you dont think that after 3 weeks, would impede its healing, due to fixomull still being on there?

i am hesitant to take it off, bcause I do feel that it could pull the scab off.

Also not sure how scab will naturally fall off, if fixomull is stuck to scab??


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Best Wound Healing Method on Face - a Child
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2011, 06:30:07 AM »
so so glad i listened to not pick at it or try to pick off the adhesive dressing

it fell off where the cut was. when i gently peeled it back, it was healed up! very nicely. a line scar, that will blend in very easily. will be barely noticeable.

so thank you sarah for your advice, it was causing me some anxiety thinnking it couldntheal up properly like that

do u think its ok to apply sunscreen onto it now. there is no scab left behind. its like it completely dissolved into the fxixomull.


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Best Wound Healing Method on Face - a Child
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2011, 10:09:54 AM »
You should definitely apply a sunscreen to it because exposing a fresh scar to the sun without a sunscreen could cause hyperpigmentaation.