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Author Topic: why my strech mark is not going away by dermaroller?  (Read 8034 times)


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why my strech mark is not going away by dermaroller?
« on: April 11, 2013, 04:12:57 PM »
I have strench mark for almost 20 years. I am  39 and got strench mark from puberty, weight gain. My mom have strench mark too. I do not have kids. I have tried 1.5mm dermastamp and 2.00 dermaroller for 2 months there have not been visual improvement. what should I do next?


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Re: why my strech mark is not going away by dermaroller?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2013, 01:26:14 PM »
Are your stretch marks red or white? Raised or indented?

Two months is waaay too short! You have to be patient and continue for at least one year.

You can try to add 0.1% Tretinoin cream (we sell it). There is a link in this forum thread showing medical studies about Tretinoin and stretch marks:
