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Messages - CaliSubcision

Pages: 1
Dermarolling / Microneedling / Re: Best Skin Care Routine
« on: January 02, 2013, 05:04:00 PM »
Hi Sarah,

I'm following this routine, I also bought the 1.5 mm roller and the Dr. Numb cream but i dont see any instructions on how to integrate this into the routine.

What kind of soap do you recommend to wash off Numb Cream with? 

Use hot water?

Safe to roll right away?



boa which suctioning device are u using and how much suction pressure is used?

Hello Everyone,

Im new to this forum this is my first post so please be nice :).    Today i had subcision for rolling scars for my cheek.  Right now it is still bruised, swollen, and slight pain.  I been reading about subcision and suction for better healing of depressed scars.  I saw alot of people asking about suction devices -- wine pumps, vaccum cleaner etc -- Ive found something on Amazon that might work a little better.  


I rushed delivered this device and expect it to arrive tomorrow.  I will try suctioning 1 day after surgery... Ive heard i need to do it right away before the scar fibers start to bind and cause depression as before.  Wish me luck!!

Great site by the way Sarah!!

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