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Author Topic: 1.5mm on face for male? (and other questions)  (Read 13198 times)


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1.5mm on face for male? (and other questions)
« on: August 20, 2010, 07:31:24 AM »
Hi Sarah, first of all thank you for your site and forum - they are really helpful... I usually don't trust commercial websites but yours seem to have a honest approach at least.

I have been using dermarollers for less than a month now, and I have some questions I'm hoping you can answer.

First I better say that I am a 30y/o MALE.


 I started using a 0.5mm on my face for a few pigmentation spots and for general skin texture improvement. Afte the first time I was all red, the second time not at all. When I switched to a 1.0mm roller, same story: first session I got all red,  2nd time a lot less. My question is, do you think I could benefit from switching to a 1.5mm roller?  (After these 3 sessions I'm not seeing any improvements. The topical I'm using is ScaCare C&E cream).


I've also been treating for stretch marks on my thighs and buttocks (they're a few years old and all white now) with a 1.5mm roller and an all-natural body butter containing sea butter, cocoa butter, avocado oil etc.

Do you think I'm using the correct needle length and cream?  I know it's too early to see any improvement... but I wanna be sure.

BTW, i should add, that when I roll with the 1.5mm my skin gets sort of raw (burning sensation) and very red but I don't believe there is any pinpoint bleeding (neither on my face).


Would you recommend using the roller for dark circles under the eye? I think mine are  caused by thinned skin, at one part I can actually see a vein through. If so, which needle size to use, how often, and which cream to use?


WHat do you think about a solution designed to be used with rollers called "Meso Cell Lift Up"? The stated ingredients are : Adenosin, Collagen Peptide, Hexapeptide, Pentapeptide, Vitamin A, Vitamin C/E, HA, PCSA, PC, Centella Asiatica, Ceramide, and L-Arginine.  Do you think they could potentially also help with the stretch marks and/or pigmentation?

Thanks again for your time.


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1.5mm on face for male? (and other questions)
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2010, 06:25:03 PM »
1 - You should definitely use a homemade vit. C serum. Vit. C is very unstable and it is not easy to stabilize it. The concentration of vit. C in the creams is usually low. The serum should be freshly made (every ten days or so).


Recently a customer wrote me that her surgeon, who performed a radiofrequency procedure on her (it warms up the deeper layers of the skin) to increase collagen production told her there is no point in doing more than three sessions because the improvement happens mainly with the first three sessions.


  On the other hand, we have customers who get better and better results with their stretch marks, acne scars and pigmentation after several months of monthly rolling. But results vary per individual.


  You can try to roll with 1.5 mm every 5-6 weeks. You will see whether you get red every time. In between you can roll with 0.5.


  Even without redness, the micro-damage to the skin is accomplished and the body will repair it. The skin will get renewed.


 2 - Then you are lucky because you have thick skin. I have quite some pinpoint bleeding with 1.5 mm, especially on my forehead. 1.5 mm long needles definitely reach the dermis so it reaches the stretch marks. The burning sensation is a sign that your body is fixing the micro-damage cause by rolling.


  If you have the energy for it and want to do maximally targeted treatment you should combine a 1.5 mm roller with the single needle that we sell separately.


  I have to say that some of our customers achieved very good improvement and some haven't. None of the customers reported a total resolution of their stretch marks. Just improvement in texture, depth and color.


    3 - Not really. The dark circles are caused by lacking or receding subcutaneous fat. That area just under the eyes has almost no fat and a very thin skin. You can see through the structures under the skin (muscle, veins etc) and it makes the skin optically dark. The main problem is the missing fat. I don't think that a dermaroller can thicken the skin to the point to actually replace a missing layer of fat. A concealer works because it changes the optical perception of the skin. Dermal filler works but since this area is so thin any mistake made by a surgeon injecting it will be noticeable. It is a tricky area for many reasons.


  A dermaroller can partially fix mild skin laxity in that area but it cannot replace fat layers.


   4 - I can't comment of efficacy of any creams. I can only guarantee that dermarolling will greatly enhance its absorption. The cream could potentially help, it has good ingredients beneficial to the skin but that's all - no guarantees.


  Recently, a customer reported that her sun pigmentations improved by rolling several times a week with a 0.25 roller. She started rolling during Christmas. She said there are areas of her face where she hasn't rolled (the hairline of her forehead) and the pigmentation is still there. She applied rose hip oil after rolling.


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1.5mm on face for male? (and other questions)
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2010, 04:46:54 AM »
Thank you for the detailed answer!

Just one question: Where do I buy vitamin C for preparation at home, And how do I prepare it?


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1.5mm on face for male? (and other questions)
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2010, 06:02:55 AM »
We sell vitamin C very cheaply here (and the cost of sending is about 1 to 3 dollars, depending on how much you order):

Cheap vitamin C for dermarolling skin serum

How to prepare it is on page 5 of our instructions:



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1.5mm on face for male? (and other questions)
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2012, 03:56:24 AM »
Hi Sarah,

I have 6 month old burn marks on my chin due to an IPL session. Please advise if 0.5mm or 1.0 mm roller would be suitable for my face. I do not have acne, I would just like to maintain my skin. Would a 0.5mm roller be suitable for this purpose as well as to address the burn mark on my chin or should I get the 1.0mm. Thanks.


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1.5mm on face for male? (and other questions)
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2012, 09:14:14 AM »
A 0.5 mm roller should be enough, unless the scar is very deep. If you do not manage to improve the scar at all after 6 months of rolling, buy a 1.5 mm dermastamp and use it on your burn scar.


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1.5mm on face for male? (and other questions)
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2012, 03:38:46 PM »
Thanks Sarah.