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Author Topic: New to dermarolling Need advice on routine and whats best for my skin issues  (Read 13046 times)


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I am 47 year old woman with crows feet around the eyes, puffy skin under the eyes, wrinkles on my forehead and in between eyes. I have deep dimples when I smile and am thin which makes the my skin fold when smiling or expressing. I have a little skin under my chin/neck which sags a tiny bit but would like to prevent more.

On the left side of my neck, under my ear lymph gland area, and along chin line, I have discoloration and acne scars.

I bought a dermastamp, and a 1.5 mm roller, Vit. C and Copper mask and the disinfection solution.

I read through the Pdf instructions and forum and am quite confused by all the information. I understand everyone is different so a routine is not a one size fits all.  Do I have the right size rollers? Should I add another face products? How often to roll? Is it optimal for me to roll with a 0.25 mm for product penetration? 0.5mm 2 x a week around the eyes? Please, let me know what you think is best for an optimal skin care and roller routine for my situation. Thank you, Jillian
« Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 06:17:47 AM by SarahVaughter »

Perma-Youth Retinoid

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I think you should add Retin-A. It boosts collagen production and helps reduce your wrinkles. Take a look at it  :) there is a lot to read. This page was rather informative: https://

I'm not sure about the needle sizes but on your front neck, the skin may be thinner and a smaller sized needle will be required. Sarah will probably know this better.


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There are so many variables that it is really impossible to design a make perfect general skin routine that fits everyone. Lots of info concerning various skin conditions can be found on our forum.
The single needles proved to be the best instrument for the wrinkles in between the eyes – the so called 11's but you can also use your 1.5 mm dermastamp.

Use the dermastamp on the acne scars but since it is on the neck, do not insert the full length of the dermastamp needles.

You can roll around your eyes with the 1.5 mm dermaroller but do not roll inside the red area. Scroll down to my reply #2:

Puffy skin is usually water retention (the puffiness improves and worsens). If the puffiness is the worst in the morning, use a thicker pillow (if you can handle it) and apply cold compresses in the morning.

Dermaneedling cannot fix dimples or folds that appear when smiling.

Some of our customers have good experience with applying our Infadolan daily (just a little) around their eyes:


For the wrinkles on the forehead and for the sagging skin, use your 1.5 mm dermaroller (on the wrinkles, you can also add the dermastamp).

The sagging skin on the neck area is a rather complex problem as you can read at the end of this article:

For the time being, do not buy more dermarolling instruments. Try what you have and if it works for you, you can add more later. By that time you will know if you prefer dermastamping or dermarolling etc.


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Thank you Sarah. I will follow your instructions.

Is it best to roll/stamp every 3 or 4 weeks?

I purchased the Vit C and Copper mask. Is it best to use the Vit. C. 3 days in a row before rolling then every other day after?

Use Copper mask the day after rolling then once a week?

And use Infadolan every morning and night?

I know you said not to purchase more rollers but I've read so many posts saying to use a a small roller for product penetration a couple of times a week. Should I hold off until I've rolled a few months with just the 1.5?

Thank you again!


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Yes, with the 1.5 mm, every three weeks.
Some of your questions are answered here:
Frequent rolls with shorter needles are especially useful for hyperpigmentations, general improvement of skin texture or acne prone skin and you do not seem to have a problem with that. You can start rolling with a 0.5 mm roller in between your rolls or wait to find out whether dermaneedling works for you and add it later.


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Appreciate your guidance and wisdom. Thank you Sarah!


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Hi Sarah, I'm,42  &I have tried derma rolling my stretch marks in the past with little success.(2 yrs ago)  I don't think I penetrated enough. Although I did get pin prick bleeding but my marks are deep and silver/white and years old..I have used EVERYTHING from thermage, other lasers, creams etc.
SO here I am, I think I'll give it a try again. I purchased 1.5 dr roller & single needles & stamp.
Strangely I only have them on one side of my stomach?
  I guess my question is How do I know that I have penetrated enough w/ the single needle??
I can do this a day or a week after the regular 1.5 roller?
Your advice is greatly appreciated. THanks


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A combination of a 1.5 mm regular dermaroller and a 1.5 mm dermastamp or/and the single needles is a good choice for stretch marks. Follow more or less the routine I describe here:
The skin should turn red and you may get occasional pinpoint bleeding (not everybody does).