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Topics - stephh

Pages: 1
Hello :)
wow. where to start. I have been lurking this site for a couple months now and am finally ready to order products and start the process!

I am 22 years old and have dealt with skin issues for most of my life. Finally rid of acne, I thought I was in the clear and could for ONCE not worry about my skin. However, now I see all the scarring and damage that years of acne has had on my skin. This has caused more depression/anxiety than I really care to talk about. This is affecting my quality of life and I see that is time to DO something about it.

I have been following Mila's posts, as well as Cesmadicctaol's...and have done a ton of reading on forums and through the instructions. Wanted to order without having to post, but I have done so much research that I'm overwhelmed! :o

My skin:
-Both cheeks: Shallow pitting/Rolling scars on both cheeks (Can't really be seen from straight on, but very noticeable at an angle and HORRIBLE texture in sunlight and fluorescent lighting)
-Both sides of chin: Shallow scarring/wavy looking skin on both sides of chin.
-Forehead- A few pits, and light fine lines. Just looks..damaged/textured.
-Left side of mouth, in smile line, the deepest scar I have and most noticeable/tethered...looks like a wrinkle when I smile.
 -Since I don't have a picture to post today, for a mental image: my scarred AREAS are very similar to Mila's scarred areas. Just shallower scars.

Definitely purchasing:
-Chloramine T to disinfect
-Vitamin C powder/glass bottle
-Suction pump

My question:
Per my research, I will be rolling, then stamping specific areas.
Just trying to decide on the lengths to purchase of each....1mm does not seem aggressive enough. 2mm may be too deep to start?

Also, I hope to keep this simple as possible, won't be ordering topicals other than Vitamin C because EVERYTHING breaks me out. Do you think this will negatively affect my results?

I wish I had a picture to post today- but once I order products and start this process I promise to take BEFORE pictures and document my progress!

*Sarah, I apologize for being longwinded but since I intend to document my progress I wanted to get this info into one post so it could be referenced in future posts instead of explaining my history with each update.*

Thank you so much for reading and for your wonderful, informative site.

Pages: 1