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Author Topic: Can't wait to start - what do I order??  (Read 10907 times)


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Can't wait to start - what do I order??
« on: July 29, 2011, 04:02:46 PM »
I have very uneven skin color on my face from years of trying every treatment possible (peels, sandings,acutane, lasers,fraxels, etc.) for acne/pigmintation/wrinkles. I am left with hypopigmented spots on my cheeks and forhead and now they are starting to show up on my chin. I found this website and feel optimistic about the possibility of smooth skin. I am hoping for just a little guidance on where to start. Do you think single needling would be my best approach for my white spots or would rolling over the entire mottled area be better?? In addition to what tools I need would any of the lotions and potions be beneficial? I am very excited and cautiously optimistic - this has to help!


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Can't wait to start - what do I order??
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2011, 01:47:29 PM »
After so many treatments and especially due to Accutane, it is likely that your skin has thinned.. The best would be to roll it everywhere with a 0.5 mm dermaroller. Hopefully, your hypopigmentation is just a lack of melanin pigment in the epidermis and not a scar in the dermis.

   If dermarolling doesn't make it better, start with the single needling.


  Dermarolling/needling often triggers or "wakes up" melanocytes and the hypopigmentation improves. You should needle the white patches and also needle a little over the edges of the white patch to facilitate the migration of melanocytes from the surrounding normal skin into the white patch.


  Related postings:





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Can't wait to start - what do I order??
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2011, 01:58:26 PM »
Thank you so much for responding. I am so impressed with your knowledge and kindness. I am excited to order a 0.5 to launch my attack on my uneven skin coloring, I think I will also order a set of your single needles for the very prominent white scars. Should I be trying to transfer melanocytes to my face from another part of my body or just start with the needling alone? Also, should I order any of the lotions or serums. I want this to work so badly so I can feel confident again :) You mentioned that numerous skin treatments and Acutane thins the skin - does dermarolling help thicken it back up? I used Acutane nearly 15 years ago could my skin still be affected by it? If the hypopigmentation on my skin is from a scar in the dermis versus the epidermis will the single needling be more beneficial because it goes deeper? I have so many questions...sorry!

Thank you again - I feel like finding this site was such a blessing.



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Can't wait to start - what do I order??
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2011, 05:35:59 PM »
Just start with needling alone. If it doesn't work (you have to be patient though) you should attempt the melanocytes transfer.  

  A-Ret is very useful for skin pigmentations but I am not sure if your skin can handle it after so many treatments and especially after the Accutane. However it is more useful for hyperpigmentation than hypopigmentation.


  Dermarolling does thicken the skin if used long term.


  Accutane helps in many cases of severe acne but unfortunately it thins the skin. It is advised to wait at least six months with laser treatment, dermarolling, facial surgery etc. because the thinned skin can result in unpredictable healing. Your skin is surely back to normal after 15 years.


  Melanocytes are normally at the bottom of the epidermis (0.1 - 0.3 mm depth). However a scar throughout the epidermis and dermis makes it difficult to restore normal epidermis again. Needling or dermarolling softens the scar and improves its color but it seldom goes totally back to normal skin.


  You may be lucky and your patches are just depigmented skin without scars.


  You can do both. Needle the scar once in 4 weeks and use a 0.5 mm dermaroller (once or twice a week) in between the needling sessions.