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Author Topic: Just thought of another area I want to microneedle! Scars from lipo.  (Read 8044 times)


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Several years ago, I had submental (under the chin) liposuction. Overall the improvement was good, but the surgeon was a bit too aggressive with the cannula near the skin surface and I ended up with 5 or 6 permanent shallow grooves that made me very self conscious. They are visible mainly from a low angle when light hits from the side.  I eventually adjusted to accepting that the grooves were not very noticeable to other people most of the time, but they still bother me if I let myself think about it too much.

I've been thinking and reading about microneedling for a few weeks now for various body areas that have started to show ageing changes in the last year or so, and it suddenly hit me that it might work on those lipo grooves! 

What do you all think? And how aggressive a needle length do you think it would take? Would it be important to restrict the needling to only the grooved area, or could I roll densely over the entire area? This is on the neck area under the chin. The grooves are 2-3mm wide by 1mm deep by 2-3cm long and are 5-10mm apart.


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Re: Just thought of another area I want to microneedle! Scars from lipo.
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2013, 08:21:56 AM »
Liposuction scars can be improved with dermaneedling but in your case, the grooves are probably caused by uneven fat levels. There was slightly more fat removed in some areas than in the others. In liposuction, the fat right under the skin is not removed, the fat in deeper layers is removed but it is not so easy to ideally and precisely distinguish it with the sucking cannula, especially in the areas like under the chin. There are additional problems in that area as I mention at the end of this article:


Dermaneedling cannot level out fat levels or trigger fat production.

Dermaneedling can slightly thicken the skin however not enough to balance missing fat. You can try a 1 mm dermastamp but do not expect any major improvement.

If you have liposuction in the future (anywhere on the body), the surgeon could inject some of the removed fat into the grooves.