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Author Topic: Help with Dermaroller size and dermarolling essentials suggestions.  (Read 15767 times)


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I have wanted to try dermaneedling for a long time now and it's only now that I have my acne under control and now I want to embark on a dermaneedling journey. I just have a couple of questions for Sarah and forum members alike. any suggestion is very much appreciated.

My main problem areas are my temples both right and left. my right temple somewhat looks like the picture. I believe they are rolling scars and the one on my left temple is a single scar but a bit deeper and bigger and wider. I've read that the skin on the temples and forehead are thinner than the cheeks and other parts of the face. My first question would be, what would be the right needle size for my scars, they are mainly rolling and some boxcar types. and also the appropriate dermaneedling essentials and if dermastamp or roller is more appropriate for my case.

-I also want to do a test roll on my right knee since I have hyperpigmentation caused by scratch wound, so my second question is what would be the optimal needle size, dermaneedling essentials and dermaroller or dermastamp is more appropriate since it is only a single round scar.

I've read that the skin on the temples and forehead are thinner than the cheeks and other parts of the face. My third question is, what would be the right needle size for my scars, they are mainly rolling and some boxcar types. and also the appropriate dermaneedling essentials.

Thank you very much Sarah! More power to owndoc.


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If you have scars only on your temples, buy a 1 mm dermastamp and stamp your scars every 10 to 14 days.

If you get no results in six months, add our suction pump to your stamping sessions to release the tethering of the rolling type of acne scars.

Concerning your knee scar, buy a 1.5 mm dermastamp with 35 needles.

We sell Infadolan ointment for microneedling aftercare.  You do not have pre-treat your skin in your case.


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Re: Help with Dermaroller size and dermarolling essentials suggestions.
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2013, 01:25:28 AM »
Thank you for the reply Mrs. Sarah! I have a few more questions.

So if the scars are only on the temples I can do every 10-14 days and not once a month?

And also will the use copper peptides and tretinoin cream increase the chances of my scars improving? Because the one scar on my left temple is pretty deep and big. 

And by the way the scar in my knee is not atrophic it is flat and only hyperpigmented, do I still need the 1.5 dermastamp? and can ambi fade cream help speed up the skin lightening process?

Sorry for the numerous questions and thank you very much for your replies Mrs. Sarah.


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Re: Help with Dermaroller size and dermarolling essentials suggestions.
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2013, 03:10:05 PM »
Yes, every 10 to 14 days with the 1 mm size.

Dermaneedling works without any creams but the creams help establishing good conditions in the skin for collagen production.

The skin on the knees is very thick and a 1.5 mm size is appropriate.  Also, you should not use the same dermastamp on your face and on your knee because the tough scar tissue on tough knee skin will make the dermastamp blunt sooner and you need a sharp dermastmp for your facial scars. 

Concerning the hyperpigmentation and Ambi cream, it depends what is the cause of the pigmentation.

Sometimes, it is residual inflammation. Try this: buy a non steroidal anti-inflammatory such as Nurofen rapid capsules (it contains ibuprofen). For sale in pharmacies (OTC). Prick the capsule and apply some of it at least twice a day on the pigmentation. It may sting.

And sometimes it is overproduced melanin pigment. Melanin is skin pigment that is normally present in the skin but unfortunately the skin often reacts to skin injuries by overproducing the pigment. 

Even very small skin disturbances, like a bug bite, can in some individuals result in the overproduction of melanin in that spot.  What helps then is Tyrosinase inhibitors such as hydroquinone. They inhibit the enzyme that converts tyrosine to melanin. Ambi fade cream contains 2% concentration of hydroquinone.  Use your dermastamp to enhance the penetration of hydroquinone or the anti-inflammatory but do not insert the full length of the needles for that. Just the tips so that you prick the outermost layer of the skin. Once in three weeks, stamp the scar with full length of the needles to crush the scar tissue.

It can also be a combination of residual inflammation and melanin overproduction.

What often helps (in both cases) are products that speed up the turnover of the skin - mcironeedling, acid peels, Tretinoin cream etc.


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Re: Help with Dermaroller size and dermarolling essentials suggestions.
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2013, 02:17:15 AM »
Ok, Thanks for the suggestions. So I should stamp the scar once in three weeks with full length of needles? How frequently should I stamp the scar using just the tips and applying the cream?


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Re: Help with Dermaroller size and dermarolling essentials suggestions.
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2013, 07:44:59 AM »
Yes, every three weeks with the full length of the needles and for example every second day with just the tips to enhance the penetration of the product.

However, apply hydroquinone or Ibuprofen (whichever you decide to try first) every day.

I suggest you first try Ibuprofen because if it is a residual inflammation, it should work quite quickly and one box of ibuprofen capsules will be more than enough for one scar.

Hydroquinone does not remove existing melanin. It only prevents the formation of new melanin so it takes a long time before you see results and if the pigmentation is not melanin, there will be no result.


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Re: Help with Dermaroller size and dermarolling essentials suggestions.
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2013, 10:19:10 PM »
Ok Mrs. Sarah, will try the ibuprofen method first. But I'm pretty sure the hyperpigmentation will improve even with just the dermastamp itself. Thank you for your replies.


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Re: Help with Dermaroller size and dermarolling essentials suggestions.
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2013, 10:25:50 PM »
And by the way just a follow up question I forgot to include in my last post. What dosage should the ibuprofen be? 200mg or 400mg? Thanks Sarah!


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Re: Help with Dermaroller size and dermarolling essentials suggestions.
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2013, 06:37:41 PM »
It does not really matter because the only difference is that the 400 mg capsule contains twice the contents of a 200 mg capsule. If you buy 10 capsules of 400 mg, you will get twice as much liquid than if you buy 10 capsules of 200 mg. That is all.

When you pierce the capsule, do not apply the entire content of the capsule on your hyperpigmentation (unless the hyperpigmentation area is very large). Apply just a few drops. Keep the capsule and apply every time a few drops until the capsule is empty.


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Re: Help with Dermaroller size and dermarolling essentials suggestions.
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2013, 06:19:07 PM »
Ok Mrs. Sarah I will do what you suggested. Thank your for your replies and suggestions!