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Author Topic: I just did the dermaroller for the first time  (Read 79242 times)


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I just did the dermaroller for the first time
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2011, 09:26:08 PM »
lol wow you really outdid yourself thanks for all your effort. The cleanser does have a pretty heavy smell but not unpleasant and surprisingly it didn't irritate my skin. I find I'm sensitive to anything with alcohol or salycilic acid or aha's thus I've been using burts bees chamomille cleanser for ever but I wanted to try something different and th eyes to line is agreeing with me so far. Thanks again :)


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I just did the dermaroller for the first time
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2011, 09:29:34 PM »
thanks for all the links too


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I just did the dermaroller for the first time
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2011, 10:43:51 PM »
Anna;1180 wrote: lol wow you really outdid yourself thanks for all your effort. The cleanser does have a pretty heavy smell but not unpleasant and surprisingly it didn't irritate my skin. I find I'm sensitive to anything with alcohol or salycilic acid or aha's thus I've been using burts bees chamomille cleanser for ever but I wanted to try something different and th eyes to line is agreeing with me so far. Thanks again :)


Now I think this is so much better that you are specific about which ingredients irritate your skin. You're situation is not unique (which is a good thing); I have seen so many testimonies of which are complaints about sensitivities to alcohol and AHA. Though, your sensitivity to BHA is a surprise because the research behind it is that it has anti-inflammatory properties due to its  (close?) relationship to aspirin. BHA is salicylic acid whereas aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. I am interested to know which kind of BHA products you have used in the past. Why? I have a feeling you are sensitive to another substance in those BHA product; that is just may be "menthol" or "peppermint extract/oil" or "methyl lactate". The listed ingredients are known to produce a cooling, tingling, counter-irritant effects and an aroma ---none of which are good for DAILY used according to Paula Begoun. Plus, a lot of acne products with BHA in it have a lot of alcohol... SOOooo you may have all of this time victimize BHA as adversary when it was the alcohol doing all the drying and inflammatory work. Plus, you need to contact the company to ask for the pH of the product if they do not provide it on the label to make sure the exfoliant can do its job.

Cool and Tingly Sensation Not Cool for Skin


What percent BHA did you have experience with? Maybe try a low strength 1% and see how it goes. But if you have already tried and over with it any BHA products, then ok, nevermind, BHA is just not for you. This is just something to think about.

Now, also, I guess you aren't completely sensitive to low pH products because pure vitamin C products are very acidic (assuming manufactured correctly). The acid part of l-ascorbic acid can be irritating, but it doesn't irritate you so hooray! Well, I am assuming lumene product is below or at 3.5 pH. What you think?


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I just did the dermaroller for the first time
« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2011, 10:57:17 PM »
Anna;1181 wrote: thanks for all the links too


You are welcomed!


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I just did the dermaroller for the first time
« Reply #34 on: January 26, 2011, 11:37:03 PM »
i ve used products that typically have 1% or 2 they strip my skin and make it feel tight so yeah definitely not for me. I've managed to clear my skin with diet and the few pimples that do occur are usually monthly hormonal and the yes to products have been woking wonders on me I really like it I tried the tomatoes mask and it's incredible I highly recommend it. Btw in your other post you were wondering about clearing acne before rolling try 'clean' it's a detox program by dr alejandro jungas it's 2 liquid meals and one solid a day and I kid you not the clear skin is just one benefit from this I LOVE IT


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I just did the dermaroller for the first time
« Reply #35 on: January 27, 2011, 12:06:57 AM »
Hi Anna,

    My skin is very very much clear now. lol. I am most likely going to roll this coming Friday or Saturday. Clearing my skin took a little more than month of that plan I have with my other thread. LINK to thread. The key ingredients that worked for me are 2%  salicylic acid,10% benzoyl peroxide, and 8% sulfur & 2% resorcinol. Personally, my biggest struggle is having a proper sleeping schedule. Stress from not sleeping almost always give me one or two deep-in-the-side (what's the term for this? cystic acne?) skin pimples, there is no way to treat it with topically besides waiting for it to subsides or worst comes to the surface and all huge and painful. But, remember I am only saying this about me but I am sure I can testify on behalf some others.

   I am not knowledgable about a lot of detox plans and stuff like that and its effacy to treating acne. I have never heard of this detox plan before, but it sounds interesting I am better at looking into topicals and internal treatments. But I can give it the benefit of the doubt that the idea behind a healthy diet can or should regulate your "systems", but this takes commitment. I am going to look into the "clean" detox, but I don't think I am going to try it because I am already clear. I wonder what Sarah thinks of this Clean detox plan. Sarah, what do you think?

   Anna, can you please describe to me what kind of liquid meals you drank and solid you eat throughout the program? How long is the program? Is there variety to the liquid and solid meals? I am going to look into this in a little bit. I am glad this program has worked for you. How long have you been on this? Still on?

Is liquid diet consider healthy? I mean, just 2 liquid and a solid a day? Does it include everything in the food pyramid?


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I just did the dermaroller for the first time
« Reply #36 on: January 27, 2011, 04:06:46 AM »
Just a quick reply:

1. Lack of sleep results in a very severe depression of the immune system. It's more accurate to call it immune system depression than stress. But indeed it is a form of stress. You get the acne (= bacteria) because of the damage lack of sleep causes to the immune system.

2. There is no such thing as "detoxing". "Detoxing" is a quackery term, like "Aura" and "Chakra". The only people that need detoxing are people on kidney dialysis and people in need of a liver transplant.

3. Liquid food can be just as healthy as solid food, but it is hard to do. You need some fibre, for example. That can be had from real, fresh orange juice for example and vegetable juices.

And long-term, liquid food weakens the stomach muscles and the muscles in the colon (that do the peristaltic movements).

4. The food pyramid is unsound dietary advice. If you follow the food pyramid, you're eating quite sub-optimally. A paleo-diet comes closest to what humans need. Lots of good fats (fish fat, some mammalian fat and fat from nuts), some fruit, many greens, quite a bit of protein, very few carbs. Avoid diary products and bread. Yes I know - such a diet is unsustainable with our current population, and it is unfair to animals in the bio-industry. I believe we, and the animals would have been happier if we never left the African plains or the rainforests..


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I just did the dermaroller for the first time
« Reply #37 on: January 27, 2011, 07:10:57 AM »
sure I can tell you a little bit about it; it's a 3 week program  but you can do it for 1 or 2 and basically it includes the foods you can eat are dairy, beef, pork, and even certain fruits that are according to dr jungas known to be allergenic. Anyway I've been on it for a week now already my skin has cleared, I've lost like 4 pounds and my energy levels are awesome plus the whites of my eyes are whiter another nice side effect. The liquid meals are basically  a variety of fruits and veggies and nut butters thrown into a blender to make a smoothie or a soup and it's very balanced. For example, yesterdays meals for me were: breakfast was a smoothie made with almond milk, coconut milk, kale, avocado and mangos. Lunch was a salad with lentils zuchinni cucumbers carrots spinach scallions lime garlic and a load of spices like turmeric, cumin and fresh herbs as well; and dinner was a soup made with all these fresh fruits and veggies and nuts blended squash celery apples pine nuts tarragon a tiny bit of salt and apple cider vinegar. So that about sums it up, there a LOT more recipes that include salmon, tuna, chicken and even lamb if you're into that personally I'm not a fan of lamb lol but yeah all these fruits and veggies seem daunting to do but really you're just tossing them all in a blender and making a smoothie or a juice if you have a juicer lunch is the most labor intensive one cus you actually cook some of it but still weeeeell worth it.


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I just did the dermaroller for the first time
« Reply #38 on: January 27, 2011, 07:14:47 AM »
oh let me clarify that first sentence I'm typing this on my phone so it's misspelled, those first foods I mentioned( pork beef and dairy) are NOT allowed during the program I made it sound like they are lol


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I just did the dermaroller for the first time
« Reply #39 on: January 27, 2011, 01:07:11 PM »
Anna;1192 wrote: sure I can tell you a little bit about it; it's a 3 week program  but you can do it for 1 or 2 and basically it includes the foods you can eat are dairy, beef, pork, and even certain fruits that are according to dr jungas known to be allergenic. Anyway I've been on it for a week now already my skin has cleared, I've lost like 4 pounds and my energy levels are awesome plus the whites of my eyes are whiter another nice side effect. The liquid meals are basically  a variety of fruits and veggies and nut butters thrown into a blender to make a smoothie or a soup and it's very balanced. For example, yesterdays meals for me were: breakfast was a smoothie made with almond milk, coconut milk, kale, avocado and mangos. Lunch was a salad with lentils zuchinni cucumbers carrots spinach scallions lime garlic and a load of spices like turmeric, cumin and fresh herbs as well; and dinner was a soup made with all these fresh fruits and veggies and nuts blended squash celery apples pine nuts tarragon a tiny bit of salt and apple cider vinegar. So that about sums it up, there a LOT more recipes that include salmon, tuna, chicken and even lamb if you're into that personally I'm not a fan of lamb lol but yeah all these fruits and veggies seem daunting to do but really you're just tossing them all in a blender and making a smoothie or a juice if you have a juicer lunch is the most labor intensive one cus you actually cook some of it but still weeeeell worth it.


   You are making me soooooooo hungry I am salivating reading your post. Good thing I have a bagle next to me! ha! Looks like your liquid and solid diet consist a lot of good things: fruits (antioxidant), vegetable (fiber), meat (fat protein), nuts (omegas), and a long with lots of flavors.  Wait..are you allow to season your food? Salt and pepper allowed? Spices? yeah, this looks like one tedious diety plan and money money money! I don't know if I could keep up with that and school. Lol.


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I just did the dermaroller for the first time
« Reply #40 on: January 27, 2011, 01:11:35 PM »
SarahVaughter;1190 wrote: Just a quick reply:

1. Lack of sleep results in a very severe depression of the immune system. It's more accurate to call it immune system depression than stress. But indeed it is a form of stress. You get the acne (= bacteria) because of the damage lack of sleep causes to the immune system.

2. There is no such thing as "detoxing". "Detoxing" is a quackery term, like "Aura" and "Chakra". The only people that need detoxing are people on kidney dialysis and people in need of a liver transplant.

3. Liquid food can be just as healthy as solid food, but it is hard to do. You need some fibre, for example. That can be had from real, fresh orange juice for example and vegetable juices.

And long-term, liquid food weakens the stomach muscles and the muscles in the colon (that do the peristaltic movements).

4. The food pyramid is unsound dietary advice. If you follow the food pyramid, you're eating quite sub-optimally. A paleo-diet comes closest to what humans need. Lots of good fats (fish fat, some mammalian fat and fat from nuts), some fruit, many greens, quite a bit of protein, very few carbs. Avoid diary products and bread. Yes I know - such a diet is unsustainable with our current population, and it is unfair to animals in the bio-industry. I believe we, and the animals would have been happier if we never left the African plains or the rainforests..


1) Severe depression of immune system, huh? Sounds super scary and I think I have to agree with you. There are days when I do homework at the last minute and I stay up all day and night, and my face looks like... ahem. In other words, all the good things I want to see are gone to the worst, dullness, acne, ect shows up.

2) I have heard about this before

3) Oh, nicce to know. I understand.

4) You need to have a talk to my Health 1 professor. Lol. Tell her a paleo-diet is better. I never heard of this before. I am not very good, or at all, regarding nutrition. Yeah, humans are crazy, they move all the time!


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I just did the dermaroller for the first time
« Reply #41 on: January 27, 2011, 01:12:31 PM »
Anna;1193 wrote: oh let me clarify that first sentence I'm typing this on my phone so it's misspelled, those first foods I mentioned( pork beef and dairy) are NOT allowed during the program I made it sound like they are lol


Hm... I have read somewhere that diary like cow milk does can cause  (or was it trigger) acne due to the hormones or something in in. I need to find it.


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I just did the dermaroller for the first time
« Reply #42 on: January 27, 2011, 06:41:46 PM »
Many people lack Lactase, the enzyme to digest the Lactose in diary products. But the biggest threat (esp. for post-menopausal women) is the imbalance in Calcium with other minerals such as Magnesium. This causes Osteoporosis. Yes, diary products are the main cause of osteoporosis. Milk is not a natural food for adult mammals. Full fat milk has too many bad fats (esp. milk from the bio-industry) and skimmed milk has not enough natural fat-soluble vitamins. Milk is good for calves, not for adult humans. You can still consume diary, but be aware of the fact that the diary industry's claims are bogus. Cow milk is not a natural or healthy food for adult people. And if you are a woman past menopause, any kind of diary, even 100 ml of milk per day will significally increase your risk of Osteoporosis. This is due to a disbalance in the Osteoblasts/Osteoclasts system caused by excess Calcium (in disbalance with Magnesium and Phosphorus). The Osteoblasts get killed by the excess Calcium. Don't forget that bone density is irrelevant for bone strength. A lot of chalk is still a brittle, crumbly substance. Bone is not merely made of Calcium. Look at the statistics. Osteoporosis is linear with diary consumption. Natural vit. D is incredibly important too though. Get your minerals from veggies and nuts, not from diary.


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I just did the dermaroller for the first time
« Reply #43 on: January 27, 2011, 07:08:28 PM »
I thought I posted a reply earlier I guess it didn't go through. Anyway, wow that's pretty scary about milk I'm glad I don't care for it. To reply to K yes you can use spices like salt pepper cumin turmeric basically anything that's natural and yes it is very expensive especially if it's all organic which I say it's worth paying the extra few bucks for. My theory is I'd rather spend my $ on good food, then hospital bills.


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I just did the dermaroller for the first time
« Reply #44 on: January 27, 2011, 07:47:56 PM »

     I did get your other post that you didn't mean to put milk as part meal plan. Thanks for the reply about the spices. Yeah, organic food ani't cheap!!! I wish you the best.