Thank you Sarah for posting the Side by Side photo. Without it, it can be a little hard to tell if there is any improvement, how much improvement, or if what you're actually seeing isn't just plain ol wishful thinking
I knew there had been some positive changes for me when I looked in my driver's side visor mirror. The scars would just jump out at me

Now they have softened considerably.
Although my scars were not severe, I needled very aggressively (stamped then rolled) and I was a swollen bloody mess afterwards. But the smoothing that followed made it all worth it even though I got some really dark patches of discoloration. I started the tretinoin and hydroquoine which helped lightened those areas but I broke out a bit after starting that treatment so now I gotta deal with that

. Some of smaller more shallow pits are completely gone and I'm hoping some of indentations left behind continues to improve

Sarah, besides the bleaching cream and retin a for the hyperpigmentation, do you think that I can do anything else to further improve my results? I didn't use the individual needles that much and I never tried adding the tretinoin immediately after needling some of the stubborn deeper scars. I may just try that at this point. I know that I will never be completely scarefree but I'd like to get as close as possible (fingers crossed lol)