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Author Topic: Dermarolling after mole was shaved plus product application  (Read 5531 times)


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Dermarolling after mole was shaved plus product application
« on: August 08, 2013, 10:50:37 PM »
Hello Sarah!

Thank you for all of your helpful answers on this forum!

I searched quite a bit but was unable to find answers to two specific questions:

1. Is it safe to use a .2 mm dermaroller on an area of the face, e.g., near the cheek, where a biopsied, benign mole was removed by a dermatologist employing the shave method two (2) months after removal and one (1) month after the wound fully closed?

2. Is it proper to apply skin care products, e.g., toner, eye cream, serum and moisturizer, after such rolling with  a .2 mm dermaroller, or before?

Thank you so much!


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Re: Dermarolling after mole was shaved plus product application
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2013, 06:44:19 PM »
1. Is it safe to use a .2 mm dermaroller on an area of the face, e.g., near the cheek, where a biopsied, benign mole was removed by a dermatologist employing the shave method two (2) months after removal and one (1) month after the wound fully closed?

It is definitely safe.
If you are left with a scar after the mole removal, buy a 1 mm dermastamp and stamp the scar every 10 to 14 days.

2. Is it proper to apply skin care products, e.g., toner, eye cream, serum and moisturizer, after such rolling with a .2 mm dermaroller, or before?
The skin care products can be applied right before rolling or applied right after rolling. Both will very significantly enhance the absorption of the products into the skin.
However, applying the products before rolling and rolling them in will make the needles dirty from the creams and you must remove it from the needles after each session. For practical purposes, it is easier to apply products after dermarolling.


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Re: Dermarolling after mole was shaved plus product application
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2013, 04:39:41 AM »
 Thank you Sarah! Very helpful! And I think I'll order the dermastamp shortly! 8)