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Author Topic: Using 1.5 mm stamp. Should I be rolling too?  (Read 11739 times)


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Using 1.5 mm stamp. Should I be rolling too?
« on: October 02, 2013, 07:23:06 PM »
Hi Sarah et al,

I just started using the 1.5 stamp a few weeks ago on my cheeks and I'm wondering if I should roll as well, and if so, with what length needle. I'm 45, and I have a combination of enlarged pores (I realize I probably won't see improvement in that area), a few ice pick scar and what I think are rolling scars. To be honest, I've looked at my skin so much in the past 30 years, I don't even think I can see it clearly. I may have melasma on my cheeks. I know it's odd, but I can't tell if what I'm seeing is shadowing caused by scars or hyperpigmentation. I also have what I think may be just a general loss of elasticity around my chin. I've attached a picture of my cheek and a close-up of the same cheek. Any suggestions would be appreciated!




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Re: Using 1.5 mm stamp. Should I be rolling too?
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2013, 03:06:49 PM »
I think you would benefit from our Tretinoin cream because you seem to have clogged pores and uneven skin tone. Tretinoin unfortunately makes the skin dry so you have to moisturize a lot to balance it. If the skin gets irritated from Tretinoin, reduce the frequency of application. Also, a pea size of the cream is enough for the entire face. The more is not the better, concerning Tretinoin.

Buy a regular 1.5 mm dermaroller and roll your chin densely every three weeks. It is very likely that this type of lost elasticity will improve.

For the time being, continue stamping the scars with your dermastamp. If your scars improve, start rolling the cheeks with your 1.5 mm dermaroller in addition to stamping.

You have no visible wrinkles at your age, you are lucky.


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Re: Using 1.5 mm stamp. Should I be rolling too?
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2013, 08:34:08 PM »
Hi Sarah,

Thanks for the advice. I've actually been using tretinoin 0.1 every night for probably ten years. My face was having a bad week, plus I'm terrible about picking at it, so that explains the red spots. What may look like blackheads are actually enlarged pores, I think, or possibly a trick of the light. I mostly only get blackheads on the top of my nose and my chin. As for the uneven skin tone, maybe I should add hydroquinone back into the mix. I used to have very bad melasma, but after two ablative laser peels and years of chemical peels I thought I'd taken care of it. Seems it's back.

I am lucky that I don't have many wrinkles, just a few under my eyes. I think it's probably the tretinoin that's keeping them at bay.

I'll take your advice and get the 1.5 mm roller for my chin. Should i get a roller with shorter needles just for general maintenance, like a .5 mm roller to use a couple of times a week on my whole face?

I'll post more pictures as I go along.

All the best,



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Re: Using 1.5 mm stamp. Should I be rolling too?
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2013, 03:40:31 PM »
Adding hydroquinone seems a good idea.

Yes, you can buy a regular 0.5 mm dermaroller and use it (amongst other) to enhance the absorption of hydroquinone.