Dear Sarah,
Greetings from Deutschland! First of all, thanks for the superb support system for products through this forum. It really helps to have an extensive discussion of a range of topics when trying something DIY for skin problems.
I am both dermarolling and stamping with 1.5 each for two months now. I also used single needles once but figured that it's too laborious for me, and started stamping instead. Finished two sessions. I am treating stretch marks on legs (behind knees and calves). I can't report any progress yet, and it's not long enough as I have read everywhere.
In the first session I single needled one leg quite extensively (but not enough I guess, as I was a first timer). On the second leg I first dermaroller, then obviously couldn't needle well as it was all red from rolling.
In my second session, I used the dermastamp first quite extensively and then dermarolled the whole area. I don't have specific number of times times and directions for dermarolling..I just roll in random directions (lifting the roller in between and roll until I can take the pain 6-10 times or so after stamping)
My question is: I used tretinoin 0.1% (Retirides 0.1%) immediately after on the stretch marks (they are spaced quite close, so it's hard to miss the normal skin in between..I try nevertheless). I do not seem to peel as I have read everywhere. Also it doesn't sting me immediately after rolling. I have pretty sensitive skin, so this seemed a bit odd to me. Your comments would be valuable to me as a beginner, so I improvise for better results. My scars are very old (puberty around 11 years or so) and I am 31 now.
(I use infadolan and vitamin c too as per the dermarolling instructions and other posts in this forum. I was not consistent with topicals the first time, now I am trying to be more consistent with vit c and retin a. I apply infadolan only on the rolling day, on top of retin a)
Another question is more about statistics. You mentioned somewhere on this forum that a small percent of customers didn't see any improvement in their stretch marks, even after long term rolling. Can there be a pattern in those cases, e.g. Age, gender, how old the marks are etc. which could affect the results..I have my anxieties about the whole process as I am really bothered by mine being in an awkward place..I have plenty of other stretch marks on my tummy, bottom and upper legs, from my twin pregnancy two years ago, which I plan to treat later after I see some success with this area.
I know that this is not a quick fix and it is not going to remove them..all I want is significant reduction and I plan to continue long term and keep you and this community posted with my progress.
Thanks again!