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Author Topic: recent stretch mark(1 week)  (Read 14631 times)


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recent stretch mark(1 week)
« on: May 26, 2011, 12:34:16 PM »
Hi, the dermaroller is more effective on recent stretch mark(1 week)?  are red and very very recent(max one week)...

sorry for my english


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recent stretch mark(1 week)
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2011, 01:14:48 PM »
legolas123;1620 wrote: Hi, the dermaroller is more effective on recent stretch mark(1 week)?  are red and very very recent(max one week)...

sorry for my english



other question:

Can I go in the Sun after four days of Dermaroller Treatment?


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recent stretch mark(1 week)
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2011, 04:53:51 PM »
Red stretch marks have erythrema - increased blood flow due to dilated blood vessels. It means they are still active. For the time being, you should use A-Ret gel on them because Tretinoin improves fresh stretch marks. It will make them temporarily even redder but that will subside. Do not use Tretinoin if you are pregnant.


  Wait with dermarolling. Your stretchmarks are so fresh that they might get significantly smaller or they might not even become stretch marks.

   If you still have them 2 months from now, start using this method:




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recent stretch mark(1 week)
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2011, 05:01:06 PM »
You can get into the sun, but use a sunscreen. You can go outside even one day after dermarolling your face - just use a hat and a sun cream. I am just saying that you should avoid sun as much as you can for a couple of days after dermarolling with long needles. It doesn't mean you can't go outside but do not actively sunbathe, do not plan a long bicycle trip on a sunny day, avoid the sunny side of the street, choose a sun sheltered seat in a restaurant, and so on :-)


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recent stretch mark(1 week)
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2011, 08:15:25 AM »
SarahVaughter;1629 wrote: Red stretch marks have erythrema - increased blood flow due to dilated blood vessels. It means they are still active. For the time being, you should use A-Ret gel on them because Tretinoin improves fresh stretch marks. It will make them temporarily even redder but that will subside. Do not use Tretinoin if you are pregnant.


  Wait with dermarolling. Your stretchmarks are so fresh that they might get significantly smaller or they might not even become stretch marks.

   If you still have them 2 months from now, start using this method:




thank's but can i go to the sun after use A-ret gel?I Can go outside after two hours after dermaroller(with sunscreen )?thank you


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recent stretch mark(1 week)
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2011, 04:19:20 PM »
A-Ret is very effective but unfortunately it makes the skin more sun sensitive so you should use a sunscreen.


If you roll your face with long needles (> 0.5 mm), you should preferably roll in the evening so that you can avoid sun exposure shortly after dermarolling. The skin is very vulnerable after dermarolling and the sun can be very damaging. You could for example end up with hyperpigmentation if you catch strong sunshine very shortly afterwards (even with a sunscreen). If you can avoid going outside on a sunny day shortly after dermarolling, it would be much better. If you roll in the evening, you can go outside with a sunscreen in the morning but do not sunbathe or stay in the sun for a long time. Try to

  avoid the sun as much as you can.

  If you roll on your body, then simply wear some clothes and you can go outside even shortly after dermarolling but keep your clothes on..


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recent stretch mark(1 week)
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2011, 08:30:52 PM »
the skin is more sensitive for how long after retin a ? one day of stop is sufficent?

 later when I sunbathe safely after Dermaroller? two days after?thank you and sorry for my english


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recent stretch mark(1 week)
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2011, 06:07:59 PM »
I don't know exactly how long the skin will be more sun sensitive after using A-Ret but as long as you apply it, you should not intentionally sunbathe.

  You should not "sunbathe" regardless - it is very bad for the skin. It destroys collagen. Stretch marks already have damaged collagen. Going outside and staying outside is OK with a sunscreen but do not intentionally bake in the sun.

Naturally aquired vit. D is very important however, so walk the middle road. Don't bake in the sun but do get some of it occasionally to build up your reserves of vit. D.

To be honest, I do not understand why it is such a big deal for you. Stretch marks won't ever appear on the face so you just wear some light clothes and you can be outside all day, even when it's sunny. When you go swimming, take your clothes off and when you are done swimming, put them on again. I don't understand why do you insist on sunbathing so desperately mere days after dermarolling. It's a very bad idea.