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Author Topic: Results in 6 months :)  (Read 24460 times)


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Results in 6 months :)
« on: June 04, 2011, 07:00:46 AM »
Just a lil note to inspire ..... I hope

It's been 6 months & my facial lines have improved by 40%

I've been using the single needle on lines & a couple of large pores.

Also a 1mm roller every 4 weeks.

I must admit the first few times I didn't notice anything but

now I look forward to seeing the mirror not so cracked hehee.

I know at times I sound like a Sarah cheerleader but its just because  

she speaks her truth & what she says has worked wonders for me.

"yay....go....Sarah" ;)

Just want to make it clear that this a real unbiased review from an Aussie

who appreciates great advise.

Wishing you all great success.

Cheers soon


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« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2011, 05:32:58 PM »
Thank you Soon, you made my day!

   It is important to report various experiences so that the others can make their decisions.


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« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2011, 08:46:32 PM »
Hi Soon,

I am from Australia too.  Could you tell me the name of the disinfectant you use?  I haven't started dermarolling even I have already  purchased the things I need because I don't know which disinfectant I should use.  Also did you use numbing cream or ice pack?  Could you also tell me how to use the single needle if you don't mind?  Thanks =)   Joaman


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« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2011, 10:22:18 AM »
I found cheap 70% percent Ethanol for sale in Australia:




Use it for your dermaroller - it can be used on the skin as well.  

Another very good skin disinfectant is Betadine solution or -cream. It is sold OTC. Wipe it off before you roll.     Do not use Betadine if pregnant or breastfeeding.

  Our customers receive with their orders a leaflet with a link to our instructions:



  You can read there how to use the single needle.


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« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2011, 07:55:51 PM »
Hi Joaman :)

Sarah is the expert so follow her advise first. That said, I'm more than happy to tell you my experience.

I used to order Ethanol from


It's cheap but postage is via courier & cost the same as the product. I'm not sure if its the best but when I run out I'm just guna use metho.

I don't use numbing cream or ice but my sister uses both. She uses Emla & a Gel type plastic mat that freezes as ice (its meant for a Wine cooler)  I'd suggest using both your first time then experiment & find your natural pain threshold.

Between nose & lip is most sensitive.

Don't be to worried it isn't as painful as I thought it'd be. If this helps.....I can't handle an epilator ;)

I use the Single needle as per Sarah's instructions.

First few times I didn't do enough being new & unsure but now I believe I do it fine.

Hope this helps.

Keep warm ..... its so cold.

Cheers soon


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« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2011, 09:13:53 AM »
To Sarah

Thanks for finding me that link for the disinfectant.  Just want to know whether I can actually use metho. instead of what you suggested?  Also, with betadine I assumed I just dip the cotton wool into it and wipe it all over my face. But should I rinse off the betadine under tap water before rolling?  I am worry the brown dye may penetrate into the skin.




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« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2011, 09:15:13 AM »
To Soon

Thanks for your reply.  I am trying to find a way to make the procedure as simple as possible.  So I think I will skip numbing cream & ice pack since I can handle an epilator even above my lip (only just)  ^^   Also, I don't want to worry too much about sterilize everything.  




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« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2011, 05:44:20 PM »
Yes, wipe the Betadine off with tap water before you roll but leave it for about three minutes on your skin to get the effect. It will not penetrate the skin, don't worry.


To disinfect a dermaroller, use about 70% ethanol (ethyl alcohol) or a mixture of ethanol and up to 45% isopropyl alcohol (we have a customer who soaked her dermaroller in 80% isopropyl and her dermaroller partially fell apart).  I soaked mine for several days in ethanol with 30% isopropyl and it was fine.


Some tips on where to buy:



90% ethanol is not so suitable for skin disinfection because it evaporates too quickly off the skin so it doesn't have time enough to effectively disinfect. 

Also, alcohols are most effective for disinfection when combined with water to facilitate diffusion through the cell membrane - 100% alcohol typically denatures only external membrane proteins. This applies both to disinfecting the skin and the dermaroller.


If you buy ethanol that is much stronger than 70%, just dilute it with tap water to around 70-80%.

Denatured alcohol is ethanol that has additives to make it unsuitable for drinking. One of the common additives to make ethanol undrinkable is adding methanol - methylated spirits.  Nevertheless not all denatured alcohols are suitable for skin disinfection or even for dermaroller disinfection.


I paste here a reply from an expert:






  what is the difference between denatured alcohol and rubbing alcohol?










  Denatured alcohol is ethanol to which poisonous and foul-tasting chamicals

  have been added to make it unfit for drinking. There is more than one recipe

  for denaturing alcohol; some add methanol or isopropanol, some gasoline, and

  so on.


  Rubbing alcohol is an alcohol intended to be rubbed on the skin. Frequently

  70% iso-propyl alcohol / 30% water is used; sometimes ethanol with added

  iso-propyl alcohol is used. You don't want to use denatured alcohol that is

  made with anything that shouldn't be placed on the skin, such as gasoline!


  So, some, but not all, kinds of denatured alcohol can be used as rubbing

  alcohol. Rubbing alcohol may also not contain any ethanol at all, which

  would disqualify it from being "denatured". So, some but not all kinds of

  rubbing alcohol are denatured alcohol, and some but not all kinds of

  denatured alcohol can be rubbing alcohol.


  Richard E. Barrans Jr., Ph.D.

  Assistant Director

  PG Research Foundation, Darien, Illinois
« Last Edit: June 27, 2013, 06:10:58 AM by SarahVaughter »


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« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2011, 10:23:57 AM »
Thanks  Sarah for your detailed explanation for disinfectant.  This is very helpful and I think i will get that 70% ethanol solution you suggested for the dermaroller and my face.  If it is too harsh for my face then I will get the Betadine. THX


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« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2011, 01:12:44 AM »
I think I read the wrong alcohol type....I bought (which this is the only one available at the store is a 70% isopropy in the US stores I have found.) Is that too strong???


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« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2011, 02:02:07 PM »
To disinfect a dermaroller, use about 70% ethanol (ethyl alcohol) or a mixture of ethanol and up to 45% isopropyl alcohol (we have a customer who soaked her dermaroller in 80% isopropyl and her dermaroller partially fell apart). I soaked mine for several days in ethanol with 30% isopropyl and it was fine.


You should dilute your 70% isopropyl alcohol with tap water and add some ethanol because I cannot guarantee your concentration will be harmless to the roller. Isopropyl is a solvent. So far only two customers complained about their dermaroller disintegrating in high concentration of isopropyl but I have to warn the customers.

Soon, we will start selling our own disinfecting powder with which you can make the perfect disinfecting solution.


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« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2011, 03:07:56 PM »
I've soaked it twice with no problem so far.....what should I look for as far as it degrading the dermroller?


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« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2011, 09:22:37 AM »
The roller head has been reported to disintegrate on two occasions, when a very high percentage of Isopropyl had been used.

As far as I remember, two customers claimed the dermaroller needles fell out and the sides fell apart as well. We never saw photographic evidence for this though, so it is hard to judge whether it was really the isopropyl that caused it, instead of a manufacturing flaw.

  One customer said they used 80% isopropyl in a dollar store and there was another customer with a similar experience.


  It might be that the isopropyl they bought had other additives such as ketones or even benzene which would dissolve some parts of the dermaroller but I'm not sure. They said they used 80% isopropyl alcohol.

We have sold tens of thousands of rollers though, so this problem is exceedingly rare.


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« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2011, 04:30:38 AM »
Sarah, can plain ol Vodka be used as a disinfectant?

It works out to be a similar cost as getting rubbing alcohol delivered.

Cheers soon


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« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2011, 06:07:08 AM »
Yes you can use vodka but it's not optimal. It has a little too low alcohol content though. Perhaps you could add some isopropyl alcohol.