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Author Topic: We sell disinfectant now!  (Read 44855 times)


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« on: September 12, 2011, 05:25:21 PM »
We have received countless question about where to buy the proper disinfection alcohol, and we are finally selling something that disinfects better than alcohol: Chloramine T.

If you want immediate disinfection, you use a 2% solution. If you soak the roller all night, 1% or even as little as 0.5% will do. We sell 20 grams for 4 dollars, enough for 1 litre of 2% solution, 2 litres of 1% solution or 4 litres of 0.5% solution:


Since it is so concentrated and you dilute it yourself, the shipment cost is nothing, if you add it to an order. Our Chloramine is both cheaper and disinfects more thorough and faster than any alcohol-based solution out there.


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« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2011, 11:46:09 AM »
Yay! :)

It's here. I thought it would still be weeks away.

Sarah how would I use it with Salicylic powder?

Do you have a recipe for a daily 2% salicylic lotion?

Can I combine them with Vit C powder or is it best to

keep layering it?

One more :)

I try to use natural products for cleaning ie baking

Soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide etc

What solution can I use for daily counter top decontamination?

Thanks for adding another great product,

Cheers soon


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« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2011, 01:38:23 PM »
Hi Soon,

Just to make it clear - the sterilizing powder (Chloramine-T) is intended to sterilize the microneedling instruments. You can use it to sterilize the skin but it leaves a bad chlorine smell so I wouldn't use it for that purpose. Wash it off before you roll.


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« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2011, 06:24:15 PM »
That's great news, since here in the UK the cost for 70% sterilizing solution is priced at £20 ($31), which includes posting and VAT costs, the product itself is only about £9.


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« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2011, 01:20:05 AM »
Hi Sarah,

Just to clarify, I know it is not great to use on skin daily as it smells of chlorine,

but is it suggested to wipe the face with the same solution (to soak the needles in) after a needling session, prior to topical's?


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« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2011, 04:22:13 AM »
No, you should not do that because after needling, the skin is extremely much more permeable so you'd perhaps disturb the collagen regeneration processes. Directly after needling, we'd like to only use "natural" substances on the skin, as any harsh chemicals may disrupt the regeneration processes.

Needling by itself does not pollute the skin, so there is no need to "sterilize" the skin after needling.


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« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2011, 09:43:56 PM »
Hey Sarah,

Just received my first batch of powder.

Couple q's.

Can I make a batch in a 2 litre bottle to be used over time or is it best to make it & use it fresh?

Bit confused as to whether I should use it on skin over alcohol etc?

I like the smell of chlorine....I'm from Australia, pools are more common than trampoline's ;)

So what's better for skin 70% alcohol or Chloramine T? I'd still like to mix it with salicylic powder as would be cheaper than alcohol.

your the best,

cheers soon


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« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2011, 09:11:59 AM »
Chloramine-T is by far the most effective sterilizing agent, because it  acts two-fold. It goes to far too describe the chemical particulars, but  Chloramine-T's modes of action are both "traditional chlorine" and a  specific antibiotic action that has nothing to do with Chlorine but can  be compared to Sulfa antibiotics. That's why Chloramine-T is still used  to wash out wounds in hospitals.

However - quite a few people are allergic to chlorine compounds, and the  higher the concentration, the more likely such people will experience  itching or rashes. Since Chloramine is not dangerous, you could just try  a 2% solution, if you don't object to the chlorine smell.

If you keep the closed bottle in the fridge, it should keep for some weeks or months, as the decay of Chloramine-T in the dark and at low temp. is very  slow.

However, it is always best to make a new batch every month or so, which is easy to do, as it's just a matter of mixing the powder into a small bottle of lukewarm water and shaking it.

I'd not mix the Chloramine-T with salicyl powder, I think you meant mixing it with vit. C?

The Chloramine-T should be applied only for a short time. I think it  would be best to wipe it off, before rolling, with some demineralized  water (the water you put into a steam iron or a refilable car battery -  for sale in the pharmacy).

This to avoid that remnants of the Chloramine-T end up inside the  micro-holes in the skin. Dr. Des Fernandez prefers not to have any  chemicals enter the freshly microneedled skin, because it is not known if  they interfere with the inflammatory process needed for optimal  collagen formation.

Therefore he prefers not to use Betadine, because it is hard to remove it  fully prior to rolling. We know that alcohol works, since there are many  positive reports. Alcohol evaporates prior to rolling. Chloramine-T  does not. So if you use it, the best way would be to wipe it off with  demineralized water (that's sterile due to its manufacturing process).  If you don't, it is unknown whether it negatively interferes with the  collagen regeneration process. I think it's probably OK, but it is  impossible to be sure (nobody really knows).


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« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2011, 06:41:52 PM »
Thank you Sarah,

It's clear now I shouldn't use Chloramine-T exactly like 70% alcohol.

I use Vit C with just water.

Salicylic powder instructions state need alcohol to dissolve it. Was hoping I could substitute alcohol with C.-T but since I leave formulation on I will stick to using alcohol.

Thanks again for info :) all I could source was its uses for Koi & livestock

Cheers soon


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« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2012, 08:33:39 PM »
Hi Sarah

so could I use 5grams to 1 litre of water of the Chloramine and keep that in fridge over what, a few months? I am assuming 1 litre will be more than enough to soak the rollers in? Can I soak 2 rollers and a single needle all at once in same solution?

I am trying to work out how many bags of the Chloramine to get if I have to make a new batch every month.



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« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2012, 03:30:25 AM »
Yes you can do that, but you should not reuse the solution, so you can't soak the rollers directly in the litre of solution but have to poor it first into a glass for example.

How much Chloramine you need depends on the volume of the container you use to put the roller in. If you use a longdrink glass, you'll need very little.


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« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2012, 06:53:46 PM »

I bought Methlated Spirit with 95% alcohol. Could I use this to spray on the needles after derma rolling? Thanks.


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« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2012, 12:00:14 AM »
Yes, but you'd have to follow our user guidelines. You should also clean the roller the way we describe. Just spraying with alcohol after rolling without rinsing the roller in soapy water first is a bad idea and it can result in infection, sooner or later.


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« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2012, 07:42:16 AM »
Thanks for your reply. Could you kindly provide the link to your guidelines. Sorry as I did search but couldn't find any on the method of using methylated spirit. Only excerpt I found was from your guidelines doc which had the below, stating not to use methylated spirit:

Then you need to soak the dermaneedling instrument in disinfecting alcohol

(containing a total of at least 45% alcohols, so Vodka is unsuitable) for at least 20

minutes. Use Ethanol, not methylated spirit. Disinfection alcohols containing

Isopropanol (2- Propanol) can be used to sterilize the roller - however do not use

Isopropanol concentrations greater than 30% or it may damage the roller. Never reuse

the alcohol. Air-dry the roller and put it back into its container. Keep the

container clean with hot water but do not use any cloth or sponge to clean it since

those are full of bacteria.



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« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2012, 11:34:29 AM »
Do not use disinfection containing more than 80% alcohol because it evaporates too quickly and as such doesn't have time to disinfect the skin properly. You can buy it but dilute it with water. It should be between 50% and 80%. Alcohols are most effective when combined with water to facilitate diffusion through the cell membrane; 100% alcohol typically denatures only external membrane proteins. Meaning: Pure alcohol simply doesn't sterilize very well.

  Regarding isopropyl alcohol:


  I think it is better to use isopropyl alcohol in combination with ethanol.

  We have two customers who soaked their roller in 70% isopropyl bought in a dollar store and their roller got loose needles (isopropyl is a solvent).

  Other customers who used isopropyl did not experience this problem but I am not sure what percentage they used.

  As a test, we soaked our dermaroller for 48 hours in 45% ethanol and 30% isopropyl without any problems whatsoever:




  How to disinfect the roller:



Denatured alcohol is ethanol that contains additives to make it toxic. One of the common additives to make ethanol deadly is adding methanol - methylated spirits. Nevertheless, not all denatured alcohols are suitable for skin disinfection or even for dermaroller disinfection.  You have to check whether it doesn't contain gasoline, kerosene or other very harsh solvents.


I found this on the net (attribution below):

  What is the difference between denatured alcohol and rubbing alcohol?

  Denatured alcohol is ethanol to which poisonous and foul-tasting chemicals

  have been added to make it unfit for drinking. There is more than one recipe

  for denaturing alcohol; some add methanol or isopropanol, some gasoline, and

  so on.


  Rubbing alcohol is an alcohol intended to be rubbed on the skin. Frequently

  70% iso-propyl alcohol / 30% water is used; sometimes ethanol with added

  iso-propyl alcohol is used. You don't want to use denatured alcohol that is

  made with anything that shouldn't be placed on the skin, such as gasoline!


  So, some, but not all, kinds of denatured alcohol can be used as rubbing

  alcohol. Rubbing alcohol may also not contain any ethanol at all, which

  would disqualify it from being "denatured". So, some but not all kinds of

  rubbing alcohol are denatured alcohol, and some but not all kinds of

  denatured alcohol can be rubbing alcohol.


  Richard E. Barrans Jr., Ph.D.

  Assistant Director

  PG Research Foundation, Darien, Illinois