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Author Topic: Needling and dermastamp  (Read 21191 times)


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Needling and dermastamp
« on: October 20, 2011, 11:59:03 PM »

i am thinking of perform needling on a few ice pick scars on my cheeks. the scars are quite recent and are a result of me picking my face rather than acne itself.

however i was wondering if the dermastamp is sufficient for the area on my cheek. i have enclosed photos.the scars are not too deep (1mm and less i think). also my the skin on my forehead is covered in minor scars from years of picking blackheads during my teenage years. it's very hardly noticeable but i was also wondering if the dermastamp could improve the texture.

alternatively, would i need to do both needling and dermastamping for the cheek?

thanks! :)

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Needling and dermastamp
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2011, 03:18:56 PM »
You have a very smooth, nice complexion, I think it doesn’t need any improvement. There are no serious scars on your face, just a couple of enlarged pores. It is visible on the enlarged photo but in real life it will be much less noticeable. Many of our customers improved their scars by dermarolling or needling but very few of our customers managed to improve enlarged pores. I think you do not need any treatment. You can try a dermastamp (single needling is not necessary) but at the beginning, stamp just a very small area to see how it heals.


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Needling and dermastamp
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2011, 10:28:02 PM »
im not sure if they are enlarged pores or if they are scars. i was using a moisturizer which really blocked some of my pores in that area and a lot of white matter accumulated in them. i was obsessed with squeezing them out and got these larger pores/ scars as a result.

so i can try the dermastamp? or perhaps a 1mm roller?


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Needling and dermastamp
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2011, 11:43:07 PM »
Hi aznskn,

I'm one of the lucky ones who's had improvement with enlarged pores.

I've been single needling them, then use a 1mm dermaroller every 4 weeks.

I prick a single pore about 5-8 times in different areas & angles.

Most have filled about half way now, has taken nearly a year.

Get some salicylic acid. It's the best thing I've used to control blackheads.

I use a 2% lotion everyday. You can the powder from skinactives, amazon eBay etc.

Your skin looks lovely.

Cheers soon


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Needling and dermastamp
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2011, 02:07:57 PM »
I, too, believe that single needling enlarged pores is helpful.  I have been doing it for approximately the same period as Soon, with good results.  I do not derma roll my nose which is the site of my enlarged pores.  I derma roll the rest of my face, neck and upper chest monthly and single needle enlarged pores on my nose during the same session.  (I found that the skin on my nose could not tolerate rolling; for some reason it reacts differently than the skin on the rest of my face.)

I also recommend salicylic acid which I apply approximately 4-5 days after rolling- I use a 20% solution leaving it on my entire face for only approximately 3-10 minutes every 3-4 days, depending on my skin's reaction, which can vary with each session.  (I have not had even one white head since I started this protocol.)

Good luck to all with whatever you find works for you, and thanks again, to Sarah for making these products available.


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Needling and dermastamp
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2011, 04:43:51 PM »
FINLEY;2290 wrote: I, too, believe that single needling enlarged pores is helpful.  I have been doing it for approximately the same period as Soon, with good results.  I do not derma roll my nose which is the site of my enlarged pores.  I derma roll the rest of my face, neck and upper chest monthly and single needle enlarged pores on my nose during the same session.  (I found that the skin on my nose could not tolerate rolling; for some reason it reacts differently than the skin on the rest of my face.)

I also recommend salicylic acid which I apply approximately 4-5 days after rolling- I use a 20% solution leaving it on my entire face for only approximately 3-10 minutes every 3-4 days, depending on my skin's reaction, which can vary with each session.  (I have not had even one white head since I started this protocol.)

Good luck to all with whatever you find works for you, and thanks again, to Sarah for making these products available.


That's encouraging news about the large pores on your nose -  I am dealing with the same thing and am about to begin my first needling session within the next couple days.

I have a ton of blackheads on my nose, essentially one in every pore. I've tried biore nose strips with much weaker salicylic acid, and haven't had any luck keeping the blackheads away. Perhaps I'll try a 20% solution like you suggest. Thanks for the info.


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Needling and dermastamp
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2011, 05:37:59 PM »
You might want to start with a black head extractor which you can purchase at the drug store- Revlon has a perfectly good one for very little money.  (Keep it clean with alcohol.)  After a nice steamy shower, pat your face dry and then push gently on each pore with the extractor to force out as much of the built-up debris as possible- if the matter does not come out with gentle to moderate pressure leave it alone- the salicylic acid will gradually dry up the matter and it will almost "pop out" in time.  Amazingly, I have had pores where the build-up can simply be scratched off the surface as the salicylic acid seems to work deeply.  

Once you have gotten out some or most of the build-up of matter in the pore you may needle it as Soon describes- it will take time and patience but over a period of time your nose will look much better.  I also clean the needles I purchase from Sarah with alcohol and store them in the original package until they seem dulled and then I order a new batch.  It really is an inexpensive solution to an annoying, and embarrassing problem.

P.S.  I just rub the salicylic acid on with my finger tip even though the directions call for an applicator such as a brush or cotton ball.  I feel I control the liquid better with my finger.  Always have iced or cold water on hand to splash on your face if the salicylic acid starts to burn too uncomfortably, or if you experience "frosting" or whitening of tissue.  (By the way- frosting clears very quickly.)  If your skin gets too irritated I recommend sunflower or jojaba oil in small amts to soothe the skin- neither will cause breakouts.


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Needling and dermastamp
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2011, 03:36:54 PM »
Aznskn to be honest I do not know what is the best general dermarolling approach to reduce pores because our customers who succeeded in improving pores have mostly used different methods. Perhaps you can try the same method as Soon and Finley (thank you both very much for your feedback). Always do a test patch first because your pores may react differently. I still think that your beautiful skin doesn't need any improvement because in real life your pores are basically invisible.  


  If you struggle with blackheads, you can give this method a try:




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Needling and dermastamp
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2011, 12:29:39 AM »
hi everyone

thanks for the input.

i think some are actually scars, but the pic makes them look like enlarged pores. i think this because surrounding the 'pit' is uneven skin tissue which when i stroke feels slightly raised. theses scars/enlarged pores are quite recent, i noticed them only a few weeks ago after my picking frenzy.

sarah, i also wanted to ask would the effects of dermarolling be faster if it is performed on younger scar tissue? from your advice, i probably will not do single needling. but i am still interested in dermarolling just to perhaps improve the skin texture where the scars have formed. also which size do you think i should go for? 1mm or 1.5mm?

thank again :)


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Needling and dermastamp
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2011, 08:53:12 AM »
If the scars are so fresh, you should wait. It is likely they will still improve by themselves because the tissue is still “working”. Wait for 2 months. If it doesn’t improve, try a 1 mm dermaroller or a single needle (since others have been successful with using it on pores but be cautious)

  Regarding picking frenzy:



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Needling and dermastamp
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2011, 01:42:03 AM »
this may not belong in this topic, but has anyone here tried baking soda as a facial cleanser? i used to use it and it worked very well