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Author Topic: Recommended dermarolling for acne scarring?  (Read 17728 times)


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Recommended dermarolling for acne scarring?
« on: August 26, 2012, 11:58:04 PM »
Thank you for all your helpful advice. I've read the dermarolling instructions, but I'm still a little unsure about which treatment or rollers would be best for me. If you could advise me, based on the photos I've attached, I would greatly appreciate it! I am hoping to diminish the indented scars and improve skin texture overall.


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Re: Recommended dermarolling for acne scarring?
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2012, 04:58:06 PM »
Sorry for the delayed answer.
Your scars actually do not seem to be very deep. You have some problems with your skin texture and hyperpigmentation. Is your face always red like on the photo or was it just a temporary problem?
I recommend you a 0.5 regular dermaroller (roll your entire face about twice a week) and a 1.5 mm dermastamp (stamp your scars densely every three weeks). You could also try our Tretinoin cream. It helps with pigmentation and it helps keeping acne under control. Buy the 0.025 % strength (not stronger) because you seem to have sensitive skin that gets easily irritated.
Let us know how it goes.


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Re: Recommended dermarolling for acne scarring?
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2012, 05:26:47 PM »
Thank you for your help..

I wouldn't really consider my skin red naturally. I think it may have just been irritated at the time. However, my skin texture is usually pretty poor. Concerning the Tretinoin cream, I am already using .05% Tazorac cream, which I like, so I'm not sure whether combining those two would be too much at once. But I think I will go ahead and order the 0.5 dermaroller and see how it works. I'll keep you all updated! Thank you, again.


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Re: Recommended dermarolling for acne scarring?
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2012, 05:51:21 PM »
If you use Tazorac cream, do not buy Tretinoin. It is not necessary. They are both Retinoids.


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Re: Recommended dermarolling for acne scarring?
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2012, 06:41:53 PM »
Okay, and just to be clear, should I wait 24 hours after rolling to apply Tazorac/retinoids? Or is it safe to apply it the same day you roll? I typically apply Tazorac every night before bed, so I would just like to be sure that I'm not over-doing it with both the rolling and Tazorac. I know your skin is more open to whatever you put on it after rolling.


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Re: Recommended dermarolling for acne scarring?
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2012, 06:58:46 PM »
Here I also post my foto and wonder if I am using the right product, the derma needle 1.5 and the dermastamp and how I should use these together?   I have just used a regular dermaroller so my face is somewhat irritated in the fotos.


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Re: Recommended dermarolling for acne scarring?
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2012, 01:06:20 PM »

I was wondering whether should I get a derma roller or derma stamp for this, and what size would you recommend me. Thanks.


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Re: Recommended dermarolling for acne scarring?
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2012, 01:56:05 PM »
Elizabethrose13, wait with the Tazorac until the next day. It would be too irritating. I only recommend applying Retinoids right after dermarolling in case of scars with hardened collagen bundes such as stretch marks, surgery and scars due to an accident etc. Not your case.

Lagale, your scars do not seem to be really deep but you have some hypopigmented scar tissue inside them. First single needle it (to crush the hardened scars tissue) and then (in the same session), stamp it with your 1.5 mm dermastamp.

If you get no results in many months, add the suctioning method. We start selling our suction devices in one or two days from now. Your type of scars is not typically tethered to the underlying structures (the rolling type of acne scars is tethered) but it is always worth trying in case of stubborn scars. A scar may or may not be thetered:


Deathfalcon, can you please tell me (if you know) when did your skin turned like this (is it post acne?), how was your skin before and whether you have already undergone any skin procedures?


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Re: Recommended dermarolling for acne scarring?
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2012, 03:58:21 AM »

My face has been in this condition since my acne period after elementary education. Nope, I didn't go for any skin procedures. At first I thought it was pores, cause when I bathe, those holes would cover up, though not all would cover up. After the bath, it would all open up again. However, I did a check and the doctor said those are scars.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 01:52:48 PM by deathfalcon »


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Re: Recommended dermarolling for acne scarring?
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2012, 03:10:50 PM »
Deathfalcon, please let me think about your case for a while. This one is hard.


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Re: Recommended dermarolling for acne scarring?
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2012, 05:17:23 PM »
Deathfalcon,  use a 0.5 mm regular dermaroller and a 1.5 mm dermastamp (with 35 needles) but you should try it on a very small area of your skin for two months to find out how your scars react.

Use the 0.5 mm dermaroller (twice a week) on a small area of your skin. On another small area, use the 1.5 mm dermastamp (every three weeks).

If it turns out OK then after two months you can start on larger areas and combine those two.


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Re: Recommended dermarolling for acne scarring?
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2012, 08:59:38 AM »
Thanks! Shall try it out.