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Author Topic: Slight redness around scarring  (Read 10616 times)


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Slight redness around scarring
« on: February 01, 2013, 05:06:34 PM »

I have been rolling my both cheeks for about three months now with 1.5 mm stamp and 0.5 dermaroller.

I am doing it consistently but not frequently because I noticed that my skin gets really dry afterwards. But I am seeing a positive results so far:) My overall skin surface has been improved a lot. I am still working on ice picks and box scars.

Now, I have a question.

I am noticing that it is slightly red, more like a pinkish around box scars/ice picks. It is not raised nor inflammed.

It does not hurt and i do not have any active pimple near the scars.

Is that normal?



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Re: Slight redness around scarring
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2013, 12:34:34 PM »
I am very glad you see some results. 

Renewal of the skin after dermaneedling makes the skin temporarily dry and this is normal but your choice of not rolling very frequently is wise.

Stamping or needling can sometimes result in long-term redness and that is also normal. The regeneration is in process.

If the redness bothers you, try to diminish it by a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory preparation. Buy NUROFEN rapid capsules or NAPROXEN capsules, pierce the capsule and apply a little, three times a day on your red spots. It may help.


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Re: Slight redness around scarring
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2013, 08:04:49 AM »
Hi Sarah,

Thank you so much for the advice!

I think stamping has caused the redness around the scars, too. It got lighter since it has been a month since my last stamping. Do you think it is okay to stamp now? Or, should I wait until all the redness goes away? I will try the stuff that you recommend when I stamp this time.

Also, I am actually thinking about purchasing infadolan and retin-a. I read so many great things about infadolan and I think that would help the redness and dryness after stamping and dermarolling. I am still afraid of using retin-a but I think I should give it a try because hypopigmentation is so annoying! Plus, I have some clogged pores on my forehead. I really hope it helps.

I will come back again to post some updates!



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Re: Slight redness around scarring
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2013, 01:53:14 PM »
Yes, you can stamp. It will get red but in order to improve scars, you have to suffer a little..

Do not apply anti-inflammatory substances immediately after mcironeedling. Wait a day, preferably even more.

Infadolan will improve dryness but not redness:


Retin A helps with clogged pores and it may help with your hyperpigmentation:


Thank you for planning on giving us updates!