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Author Topic: Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?  (Read 36300 times)


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Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?
« on: March 16, 2013, 10:37:24 AM »
This topic may be kinda out of place, but in general it concerns a lot of people on the internet and me as well. Since I have quite a lot of small moles on my body- 80 moles or so. None of them are malignant but they make me really self conscious. Is there any way which I can remove my moles by myself at home. Everywhere on the internet I see the same methods described everywhere surgery removal, laser removal, freezing, burning , electrical removal. And the natural ways, the so called "home remedies" don't work at all. The home remedies such as lemon juice, orange peels, urine,pineapples, flax seed with honey, dandelion root, coriander, some creams are advertised as well, but nothing is really said which really works. You think that acne and acne scars are a problem, I can tell you that the topic of moles is as huge as a problem around the world. So please if you have any knowledge about this topic, please respond to the topic.
I will be really thankfull.


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Re: Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2013, 06:01:11 PM »
Just to be sure, by moles, do you mean the skin tags kind of moles (very raised) or do you mean pigmented spots that are completely flat (like big freckles)?


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Re: Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2013, 07:37:04 PM »
Yes, I am talking about the completely flat ones and they are small.


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Re: Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2013, 08:12:13 PM »
Addition to the topic. As an example I am going to show this picture.


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Re: Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2013, 02:52:59 PM »
If they are moles, use apple cider vinegar. I removed 4 moles using this technique and they healed well and it was not painful. Let me know if you have any questions.

It is dangerous to remove them yourself since some can be cancerous but I made sure mine were not changing in shape/size or bleeding since these are signs of cancer.

Contact me if you have any questions. I can post some before and after pictures if you'd like.


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Re: Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2013, 03:15:53 PM »
So they are not protruding, it is just a pigmentation problem.

Moles are dark due to a very high concentration of the pigment melanin that is normally present in the skin and its production is further triggered by sun exposure. Melanin is our natural UV filter. The darker the skin, the more melanin it contains.

Buy a 0.5 mm dermastamp, stamp the mole and apply a melanin inhibitor (such as hydroquinone) right after stamping. Hydroquinone does not remove current melanin; it only reduces the formation of future melanin so it will take many weeks to see a difference. You can try various melanin inhibitors.

Buy a wart removal liquid that contains salicylic acid 16% and lactic acid 16% in collodion (such as DUOFILM liquid). Start applying a little on the moles every day (without dermarolling or stamping). If you manage to remove the pigment or significantly reduce it, stop applying it because it could leave a scar. Try it on only one mole first.
You must use a high factor sun screen otherwise it will quickly reappear.
The skin will most likely indefinitely over-produce the melanin in the mole so you have to continue "fighting" it indefinitely as well. The reason why the skin overproduces melanin in certain areas (freckles, moles etc.) is unknown.
Obviously, do not do anything to the moles if they are cancerous.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 11:12:33 AM by SarahVaughter »


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Re: Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2013, 02:49:16 AM »
I'm having this same problem. I want to get rid of 3 moles not raised, flat on my skin that makes me self conscious and I'm trying to get rid of them. I've scheduled doctor visits numerous times to get a dermatologist consultation but got denied every time since they are not showing any signs of cancer, it would be a cosmetic reason which my insurance won't cover and can be a very expensive procedure. I've been doing research and bought a skin brightening cream containing hydroquinone and have been applying to my skin but it hasn't taken any effect. I am just exhausted by this situation and want to get rid of my problem. It's added on stress I do not need and I can't help the fact that it effects me so much because I'm broken down by this problem at this point. Please, if there's any suggestions besides consulting a dermatologist. I'm open to opinions, thank you


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Re: Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2013, 10:27:39 AM »
There is an effective product for mole removal which i have recently started to use. It requires one 20 minute application, afterwhich a scab forms and eventually falls off. I am probably not allowed to say the product name otherwise my comment will be deleted.


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Re: Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2013, 10:46:39 AM »
Go ahead and mention it. We're not in the mole removal business so tell us what the product is :-)

The reason we delete anything that competes with our products is because this is not a general dermarolling forum. This is a support forum for our products, intended to lessen our email support load. So it's intended as a business tool to support our customers, not as a general dermaneedling community. Sorry for being strict in that way. We really try to keep this a support forum only, otherwise things will escalate into a spamfest in no time. Sometimes, postings are on the edge and are permitted, but in principle this forum is just to help our customers with our products and nothing else.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 12:00:31 PM by SarahVaughter »


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Re: Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2013, 01:24:17 PM »
The product I used is called "wart mole vanish".

I have used one application and am waiting for my scabs/moles to fall off. The few scabs that have fallen off the mole is gone, so the product does appear to work.

I ordered mine from ebay.


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Re: Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2013, 12:13:35 AM »
Hey Martin can you post some pics please so everyone knows if the product your referring works or not? Before and after would be ideal. Thanks!!! :D


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Re: Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2013, 04:55:28 AM »
I searched for the product and it's incredibly over-priced and massively spammed-for so this was an exception - we do not allow mention of any such products in the future. This forum is only to support our own products, not to provide a platform to market other products. It would be much better to identify the active ingredient (it's some kind of acid that can easily cause permanent scarring) and find out where to buy a floz. for a few bucks.


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Re: Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2013, 02:15:49 PM »
I agree, the product is very expensive and you get such a small amount. But it works so i'm happy with it.


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Re: Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2013, 04:56:48 AM »
Just wanted to post an update regarding the wartmolevanish product i used to remove moles.

I had quite a few moles on the arms and legs and so thought this would be a good product to use to get rid of them all in one go.

Well, the moles are gone, the product definitely does that, but i am currently left with red marks in place of those moles.

Some of the red marks are fading, very slowly, while others are still a bright red color.

I have single needled the marks hoping that will help, and am currently looking into vbeam or nlite laser treatment to further help remove the redness.

I didn't actually realise this product was sold on amazon, as i purchased it on ebay, but after reading the reviews on amazon i probably wouldn't use this product again.

So just a warning for anyone thinking of using wart mole vanish, just be aware that it could leave you with red marks that could take a very long time to fade on their own. I think it would be better to get moles professionally removed.

If anyone has any suggestions on reducing the redness (which is essentially caused by a chemical burn) it would be appreciated.


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Re: Is there a way to get rid of moles at home?
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2013, 07:14:12 AM »
It is completely normal that you are left with red marks after removing moles. If you would have had it done professionally, you would also be left with red marks because no matter how the mole tissue is removed, it must be removed and you are always left with a small lesion/injury that has to completely heal.

Whether you burn it chemically (by acid) or thermically (by laser or electrocauterization), or you necrotize the tissue by freezing it (liquid nitrogen) the result is the same - the tissue gets destroyed and it has to heal and the inflammation has to fade. This can take some time. There is no need for expensive N light treatments. It will fade by itself.

Concerning the redness (inflammation), try a topical non-steroid anti-inflammatory. Buy NUROFEN rapid capsules (it contains liquid ibuprofen) or NAPROXEN capsules, pierce a capsule and apply a little of the liquid several times a day on the red spot. Try it several times on one spot first to see what happens. Right after the application, the spot will turn more red but this should quickly subside. The anti-inflammatory substances may speed up the diminishing of the residual inflammation.

You should definitely protect the red spots from the sun, since they have little to no melanin.