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Author Topic: getting stretchmarks on my face  (Read 90229 times)


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getting stretchmarks on my face
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2010, 06:14:19 PM »
Rollin;627 wrote: oh and also, have you tried taking an oral antiinflammatory instead? Perhaps taking ibuprofen or some other nsaid for 5-10 days would help, if this indeed is due to inflammation (which it probably isn't if topical nsaids made it worse)?

what about copper peptides?

- David


Thanks for your kind thoughts :) I try to treat myself holistically since I don't react well to drugs of any kind, so I am using every natural anti-inflammatory out there. Things like ibuprofen cause my liver to freak out, and I suspect that is why I'm in this situation in the first place (I think the vitamin a I took for two weeks stressed my liver too much). I used copper peptides for about a week when this first started happening, and I didn't notice much although my skin wasn't as sensitive at that time. I then read some research suggesting that some people have a reverse reaction to the copper peptides, causing them to break down collagen faster than it can be built. With my luck, this would be the case with me so I stopped using them. I may start up again once my skin stops showing signs of continued scarring...Have you tried them? Let me know if they seem to help you

David, when you dermarolled you did seem to get more of these marks, correct? I had mine before I dermarolled but the rolling definitely brought more out, I could actually see them forming as I rolled which is unbelievable. I should've known. It's terrible because I am desperate to get rid of these lines yet the options I have for doing so only seem to make things worse!The only thing keeping me going now is the thought that one day my skin will be stabilized enough to dermaroll and needle and that my skin will be somewhat back to normal. I just don't know how long this is going to take :(


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getting stretchmarks on my face
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2010, 06:43:28 PM »
First off I doubt very much that liverproblems would cause lines to form in your face.

Second, Yes I think rolling may have contributed to me getting more of these lines, but I believe I had a few even before. It's been almost two weeks now since I rolled so I hope I won't see continued damage from now on because of the rolling (I pressed down fairly hard with my 1.5mm not knowing the effects, though without numbing so it wasn't superhard as it didn't hurt TOO much).

I couldn't see these forming while I was rolling, though I didn't pay that much attention. Rolled then applied infadolan then went to bed. Didn't think of it the next day, but then I thought "hey, did I really have that line?" and more seemed to appear.

one thing you could try is "manukah honey". A friend of mine uses it for her face and she calims it works very well and it's supposedly anti-inflammatory. I may try some myself if this doesn't stop, but of course it's a bit scary trying things without knowing how one will react anymore :( using moisturizer but my face still feels dry and sorta "itchy" :S

Will see if I can get an appointment with a dermatologist.


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getting stretchmarks on my face
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2010, 07:19:02 PM »
Rollin;630 wrote: First off I doubt very much that liverproblems would cause lines to form in your face.

Second, Yes I think rolling may have contributed to me getting more of these lines, but I believe I had a few even before. It's been almost two weeks now since I rolled so I hope I won't see continued damage from now on because of the rolling (I pressed down fairly hard with my 1.5mm not knowing the effects, though without numbing so it wasn't superhard as it didn't hurt TOO much).

I couldn't see these forming while I was rolling, though I didn't pay that much attention. Rolled then applied infadolan then went to bed. Didn't think of it the next day, but then I thought "hey, did I really have that line?" and more seemed to appear.

one thing you could try is "manukah honey". A friend of mine uses it for her face and she calims it works very well and it's supposedly anti-inflammatory. I may try some myself if this doesn't stop, but of course it's a bit scary trying things without knowing how one will react anymore :( using moisturizer but my face still feels dry and sorta "itchy" :S

Will see if I can get an appointment with a dermatologist.

Well, here's the thing...if I have some form of porphyria (causing the sensitivity to light and fragile skin) then that can be caused by a toxic exposure to the liver. Since this all started after the vitamin a (which is harsh on the liver), I think I have a mild form of porphyria combined with this fragile skin causing me to scar. I had the sensitivity to light show up a few years ago after I took a harsh antibiotic that did cause some temporary liver damage, however at that time I did not have scarring showing up and the sensitivity went away after about 3 months.So the lines aren't directly caused by liver problems, but if the liver damage did cause porphyria for me then that is the connection. This is something I've had to piece together myself over time...

You probably had some of the lines before you rolled, but the inflammation caused by rolling may have triggered a few more. I am wondering if icing or cooling the skin prior to and after rolling would minimize this effect. Sometimes my marks seem to show up when my face feels really hot and inflamed, much like it felt after rolling. If I were to keep the inflammation minimal after rolling perhaps I could get away with a light roll. Right now I'm not going to take the chance. I'm going to order a new roller this week just to have for when I'm ready.

Don't expect much out of the dermatologist...just a warning. However if you do hear anything, be sure to let me know! Please don't let them tell you that you are just aging...aging isn't supposed to happen this fast or this young lol!


Oh yes, I love the Manuka Honey! I use it on pimples. Sometimes it makes me a bit itchy though. Be careful with it until you know how you react to it...


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getting stretchmarks on my face
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2010, 07:30:56 PM »
I see. I won't check out what porphyria is as I may just worry if I have it or whatever, so I'll just take your word that you've done your homework. If I idneed have the same issues you do (seems so) then I can say that I have no liverproblems whatsoever that I know of.

Also, have you tried aloe vera on the skin?

And indeed this shouldn't happen at age 23, and not just like that. It just started coming, or so it seems at least. Over a period of maybe 2 weeks.

I wouldn't roll at this point if I were you. The point with rolling IS to trigger microinflammation which then heals = more collagen. if inflammation is causing this issue for you then it wouldn't help. Wait till things calm down at least. Could you tell me anymore about this guy who had success with single-needling? You mentioned him in your first post here.

Sorry for all these questions, lol. I'm just never getting a break these days it seems, having had to dela with many illnesses and physical injuries for the last couple of years, I was finally hoping for a break... And now this! Bah!

- David


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getting stretchmarks on my face
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2010, 08:01:11 PM »
Rollin;632 wrote: I see. I won't check out what porphyria is as I may just worry if I have it or whatever, so I'll just take your word that you've done your homework. If I idneed have the same issues you do (seems so) then I can say that I have no liverproblems whatsoever that I know of.

Also, have you tried aloe vera on the skin?

And indeed this shouldn't happen at age 23, and not just like that. It just started coming, or so it seems at least. Over a period of maybe 2 weeks.

I wouldn't roll at this point if I were you. The point with rolling IS to trigger microinflammation which then heals = more collagen. if inflammation is causing this issue for you then it wouldn't help. Wait till things calm down at least. Could you tell me anymore about this guy who had success with single-needling? You mentioned him in your first post here.

Sorry for all these questions, lol. I'm just never getting a break these days it seems, having had to dela with many illnesses and physical injuries for the last couple of years, I was finally hoping for a break... And now this! Bah!

- David

Nah, you would know if you had porphyria. It makes you super sensitive to light and causes changes in your skin due to that reaction. I don't even know that I have it, but it's the only thing that makes sense right now and explains why I react to visible lights (not just UV) by burning and then scarring.

This stuff seems to start out of nowhere, so I'm sure you are correct in that it happened in a short period of time. These don't even look like wrinkles. I look at my skin closely (as you do I'm sure) and you know what has been there and what is new. Most of my marks right now are in the area that you describe, in the area between my cheeks and chin. The marks there are those reddish purplish lines, on other areas of my face they look more like connected pores or something.

The guy I talked about has a whole thread devoted to dermarolling and needling over at a popular acne web forum. The thread is titled "Ok guys..." You should be able to find it through a web search. I don't want to violate any terms of this site by posting the link, but it shouldn't be hard to find. I am also active on a thread there regarding this spontaneous scarring, which quite a few people seem to have.

David, have you taken any medications in the recent past? Antibiotics? Do you have autoimmune disease like lupus in your family? Just wondering. It helps me to figure out why this is happening with you. I am doing a lot of research and I'm going to find a link, it's only a matter of time.

You're right, I'm gonna hold off for awhile with the roller. I really shouldn't have done it this time, but I broke down and thought things really couldn't get any worse for me with this. Well, I guess it did. I know this won't last forever and I will fix the damage.

I do use pure aloe vera, sometimes it stings, and sometimes it doesn't. Right now I am using pure vitamin E oil on some of my scars. I never know if and when I will start to react so I have to be cautious...

I hear you, I have been through a lot too before this happened. This just tops it off, really. It will get better for us though :)



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getting stretchmarks on my face
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2010, 06:35:35 AM »
LaurieR;633 wrote:

David, have you taken any medications in the recent past? Antibiotics? Do you have autoimmune disease like lupus in your family? Just wondering. It helps me to figure out why this is happening with you. I am doing a lot of research and I'm going to find a link, it's only a matter of time.


a) Not really, ofc I've taken some standared-medications but nothing I haven't taken for years and no antibiotics in many years. I have however taken a multivitamin at highest recommended dose for a little while now. I stopped when I read about your experiences. But I'm doubtful that explains it, as my friend has taken the same thing without any issues. I was taking it however when I got similar "scarrings" on my neck a couple of months back.

b) nope. I however seem to have a general problem with inflammation. I have inflammation in my nose (for which I take nasonex-spray) and my eyes easily get inflammed if I spend too much time at the computer.

Could anyone recommend me anything that would soothe the skin? It feels a bit "stingy" at the moment. I tried just putting on some olive oil (nothing to irritate the skin in that from what I know) but it doesnt seem to get "into" the skin.


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getting stretchmarks on my face
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2010, 02:45:49 PM »
again if I could be recommended something to soothe the skin that would be great. I've tried putting on bath-oil and olive-oil and my fat-free moisturizer but they all make the skin sting a little bit and it looks just as dry afterwards (had olive-oil on for hours for example).

Man what's going on :(

ps. for anyone reading this I doubt very much this is caused by dermarolling as I've only done it once and I've never heard of a similar experience.


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getting stretchmarks on my face
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2010, 04:21:06 PM »
Rollin;641 wrote: again if I could be recommended something to soothe the skin that would be great. I've tried putting on bath-oil and olive-oil and my fat-free moisturizer but they all make the skin sting a little bit and it looks just as dry afterwards (had olive-oil on for hours for example).

Man what's going on :(

ps. for anyone reading this I doubt very much this is caused by dermarolling as I've only done it once and I've never heard of a similar experience.

The only thing I can use on my face to soothe it right now is raw coconut oil...most other oils sting my face. Coconut seems to sink in pretty well. Shea butter is nice but it clogged my pores up very quickly. Emu gave me a massive stinging red allergic reaction so personally I can't recommend that. If you can tolerate fresh aloe that is good too, but in my case it often causes the stinging. Hope you find something that works.

Sorry man, this isn't fun. I wonder why your face hurts now? Is it only in the spot where you dermarolled?


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getting stretchmarks on my face
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2010, 04:31:00 PM »
To soothe the skin, try a cream or ointment containing Dexpanthenol or Pantothenic acid.

For example https://

     Or take a cotton pad, wet it with tap water, add almond oil and spread it on your skin without any harsh rubbing. Almond oil is very soothing and it penetrates the skin.


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getting stretchmarks on my face
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2010, 04:31:26 PM »
LaurieR;642 wrote: The only thing I can use on my face to soothe it right now is raw coconut oil...most other oils sting my face. Coconut seems to sink in pretty well. Shea butter is nice but it clogged my pores up very quickly. Emu gave me a massive stinging red allergic reaction so personally I can't recommend that. If you can tolerate fresh aloe that is good too, but in my case it often causes the stinging. Hope you find something that works.

Sorry man, this isn't fun. I wonder why your face hurts now? Is it only in the spot where you dermarolled?


I dermarolled my entire face. I don't know what's going on either, this is scary! :(

I'll buy coconut-oil tomorrow. Also, have you tried applying hydrocortisone to your face? I'm thinking it may have been the infadolan that prevented this burning sensation, but I haven't taken that for the last 5 days as you hinted vit A may be part of the problem somehow...


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getting stretchmarks on my face
« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2010, 04:32:00 PM »
SarahVaughter;643 wrote: To soothe the skin, try a cream or ointment containing Dexpanthenol or Pantothenic acid.

For example https://

     Or take a cotton pad, wet it with tap water, add almond oil and spread it on your skin without any harsh rubbing. Almond oil is very soothing and it penetrates the skin.


thank you very much, I'll try it tomorrow then.


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getting stretchmarks on my face
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2010, 04:49:17 PM »
Rollin;644 wrote: I dermarolled my entire face. I don't know what's going on either, this is scary! :(

I'll buy coconut-oil tomorrow. Also, have you tried applying hydrocortisone to your face? I'm thinking it may have been the infadolan that prevented this burning sensation, but I haven't taken that for the last 5 days as you hinted vit A may be part of the problem somehow...


How long since you dermarolled? Does your skin look red or irritated?

I can't use hydrocortisone because I have mild rosacea and hydrocortisone can turn that into a severe case pretty quickly. It also thins the skin which is no good...


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getting stretchmarks on my face
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2010, 05:02:22 PM »
LaurieR;647 wrote: How long since you dermarolled? Does your skin look red or irritated?

I can't use hydrocortisone because I have mild rosacea and hydrocortisone can turn that into a severe case pretty quickly. It also thins the skin which is no good...


About 2 weeks since I rolled and my skin doesn't look very red or so, it just feels irritated and looks very very dry. Parts of my beard seem to have disappeared, omg :(


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getting stretchmarks on my face
« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2010, 05:17:50 PM »
Rollin;648 wrote: About 2 weeks since I rolled and my skin doesn't look very red or so, it just feels irritated and looks very very dry. Parts of my beard seem to have disappeared, omg :(


Yeah my skin felt the same way about two weeks after rolling. I think I rolled on August 31 so it's been almost a month now and my skin is slowly getting it's moisture balance back but these weird scars are still there. Hey if the Infadolan was working for you stick with it. It contains vitamin A, but it's not the same as a retinoid. It is much milder so you should be fine with it. The people I have spoken with who had gotten this problem had used retinoids for years and then rolled and got these weird lines, or the retinoid itself brought on random scars without rolling. I guess if you try another topical and this clears up then you know that you might be sensitive to the vitamin a. It's hard to tell though, there are so many variables.

David, how did your skin seem to heal from rolling? I know it is still in the process, but if you look closely, is new healthy skin growing? Is the texture decent? I ask because about a week after rolling as my skin remodeled I noticed some small pitted scars showing up (I guess these are buried scars that get better with continued rolling) but the texture of the skin where I rolled is different than it was before. It seems like some of the collagen grew in in some areas more than others giving a wavy look to my skin if you look closely. Also, some of my previous scars look like they got stretched out and are now white and crepe-y looking, almost like the crepe-y skin inside of a stretch mark after it has faded from purple. It looks like if I rolled again this texture issue would straighten out as I think it was caused by not pulling the skin taut as I rolled. I'm just not sure. Of course like you I don't blame rolling either for this, I guess my skin was just too sensitive for it this time. I think most people get awesome results with rolling.


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getting stretchmarks on my face
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2010, 05:32:27 PM »
Could this be an infection? I forgot to properly steralize the roller before using it, but I did rince it thoroughly under very hot water as well as cleaning my face. I assume if this were a bacterial-infection then one would see typical signs of infection? Sarah Vaughter, what do you think? I'll go see my GP tomorrow but I feel so anxious now :(