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Author Topic: Keratosis Pilaris  (Read 33172 times)


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Keratosis Pilaris
« on: December 10, 2010, 11:36:09 PM »
Hi there,

I have Keratosis Pilaris all over my legs and arms, and am currently using a mixture of coconut oil and apple cider vinegar to treat it (applying topically as a moisturizer). I also dry-brush my my skin vigorously about 3 times a week, and drink apple cider vinegar every day. So far this has improved the KP about 50 percent, I have kept up with this routine for about 3 weeks now.

I am wondering if using the derma roller will help with the KP? Or are there any other treatments o KP you can recommend?

Thanks very much.


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Keratosis Pilaris
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2010, 12:25:56 AM »
Hi Cyn,

   This is so interesting. I have never heard of "coconut oil and apple cider vinegar" as a remedy for KP. Where did you get this tip from? I used to have KP and I use body scrub during the shower and a topical exfoliant to treat it. According to Mayo Clinic:

"Treatment of keratosis pilaris can include the following medications:

    * Topical exfoliants. Medicated creams containing alpha-hydroxy, lactic or salicylic acid or urea moisturize and soften dry skin while helping to loosen and remove dead skin cells. Depending on their strength, certain creams are available over-the-counter and others require a prescription. Your doctor can advise you on the best option for your skin. The acids in these creams may cause redness, stinging or skin irritation, and therefore they aren't recommended for young children.

    * Topical corticosteroids. These anti-inflammatory drugs help decrease cell turnover by suppressing the immune system. Low-potency corticosteroid ointments, such as hydrocortisone or derivatives, are usually recommended for sensitive areas such as your face and for treating widespread patches. Doctors usually prescribe corticosteroids for short-term treatment or for temporary relief of symptoms. They aren't used as long-term treatment due to potential side effects from absorbing stronger corticosteroid creams or thinning of the skin. Topical corticosteroids may also cause local burning, itching or irritation.

    * Topical retinoids. Derived from vitamin A, retinoids work by promoting cell turnover and preventing the plugging of the hair follicle. Retinoids may be an effective treatment, but they can cause bothersome skin irritations, such as severe dryness, redness and peeling. Tretinoin (Retin-A Micro, Avita) and tazarotene (Tazorac) are examples of topical retinoids.

Further reading if you like from DERMAdoctor and Emedicine

Product Suggestions:

Neutrogena has a good BHA product

Paula's Choice has 15 AHA and BHA products to choose from depending on product texture and skin type

Alpha hydrox has an assortment of AHA products

Kerasal has products for foot calluses that has concentrated exfoliants like 10% urea and 5% salicylic acid that may work well, but can be more irritating so use with caution.

For retinoids, Sarah does sell Tretinoin 0.05% in her shop! It is in gel form. For tazorac and adapalene, I think you have to go to the doctor for that one.

I think Sarah says somewhere on another post that derma rolling increases cell turnover, which theoretically can heal KP.

Best wishes!

[Update: just curous, though: wouldn't using coconut oil be problematic because you can clog your pores and make KP heal properly, if not, worse?]


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Keratosis Pilaris
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2010, 02:42:13 PM »
The outermost layer of skin consist of dead cells that are constantly shed and replaced by new cells coming up from the deeper layer of skin. Keratosis Pilaris is a condition in which the dead cells do not shed as they should. The pores with hair follicles are basically clogged with skin flakes and this makes the skin bumpy. You have to remove the debris. That needs quite some “aggression” directed towards your skin.

You could try a pumice stone:


Experiment with the applied pressure and frequency of using it. It should not leave bad scratches but you should apply enough pressure to remove those excessive flakes that are stuck.  Pumice is more efficient when used dry on dry skin. Your  skin has to get used to it, do not give up if the initial reaction of  your skin is irritation.


  Keep the pumice clean by soaking it in hot water with some dishwashing detergent and rinse it well. You can put it in the dishwasher as well but since it's very light you should put a cup over it to keep it in place.


  Dermarolling speeds up the skin’s turnover but in the case of KP you need to target mainly the clogging of the hair follicle pores (full of skin flakes) and forcefully remove them. I think that pumice is a better choice in this case.


  If you decide to use a dermaroller, buy one with a needle length of 0.2 mm and use it every other day or in this case even daily.


  If it stings, do not apply apple cider right after pumice or dermarolling. Apply coconut oil only or almond oil or a lotion with urea (for example Eucerin with 10% urea).

  The best is to apply Kerasal containing urea and salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is a keratolytic (helps shedding skin cells.)


If your skin is inflamed (red and itchy), dissolve Aspirin (not Paracetamol but Aspirin) in a little bit of water, spread it over your skin and when it absorbs, apply your usual oils or lotions.


  Let me know how it goes. If pumice doesn’t help I can think of another approach.

                      Attached files


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Keratosis Pilaris
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2010, 11:55:04 PM »
Thank you both for replying so quickly:) K, I actually have been drinking apple cider vinegar every day for its health benefits. When I was reading on the internet about its health benefits, I read somewhere that it helps with KP. I did some more research and saw in some KP forums that people have been using it with some success to treat their KP. Also read that some use coconut oil by itself, and some combine the two. So i tried it, and it does seem to work (except that it stings when I apply after dry-brushing). I'm not sure whether coconut oil clogs pores or not... but i had also wondered about the same thing.

Sarah I have tried using a pumice stone before but only used it in the shower- perhaps I'll try using it when my skin is dry, as you've suggested. The Kerasal sounds interesting have not tried it before. Can I find it in a drug store, or it it something i will have to order?


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Keratosis Pilaris
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2010, 04:29:09 AM »
Hi Cyn,

The word "Kerasal" is blue (it is a link). To, that sells it..

Took me a while to find it, actually.


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Keratosis Pilaris
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2010, 11:17:34 PM »
Thankyou Sarah, I appreciate your effort. I'll use your link to order it from Amazon ; It seems that they sell it in some branches of Walmart but i think that might be in the states, and I am in Canada.


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Keratosis Pilaris
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2010, 06:26:54 AM »
Sarah, wouldn't you want to avoid pumice stone or loofahs because they can be too abrasive? Wouldn't the gentler route be topical exfoliants and let the shedding of skin takes its place instead of scrubbing it away? Well of course you can always monderate your pressure. But I guess I would prefer the less pressure-needing method.


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Keratosis Pilaris
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2010, 05:54:00 AM »
In Keratosis Pilaris, hair follicles are clogged by keratin. Keratin is an extremely tough protein (nails, horns and hooves are for the most part made of keratin). It really would require significant abrasion to remove it. The best is to use keratolytics (they soften keratin) such as salicylic acid, urea or retinoids and mechanically remove keratin plugs with pumice (dry pumice on dry skin).

The skin will get a little red and slightly irritated but it will subside very quickly. Do not apply any acidic product after pumice – it would sting. Soothe it with some coconut/almond oil.


  Shaving the skin might also help (it serves as good exfoliation).

Don't use a pumice stone on the face and neck.