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Author Topic: Single-needling stretchmarks and collagen production  (Read 11350 times)


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Single-needling stretchmarks and collagen production
« on: February 08, 2010, 05:33:15 PM »
>With repeated rolling and the production of new collagen,can the skin  

  >ever return to its pre-stretchmark stage in terms of having just as

  >much  collagen as it once did?

The "stretchmarked" skin is usually thinned both in the Epidermis and the Dermis (skin layers).


  Regular dermarolling should thicken the skin and make the stretchmarks less indented.

      Stretchmarks usually have abundant collagen in them but that Collagen is in the form of a scar - the Collagen layout is different from that in normal skin and the Elastin fibers are abnormal as well.

        Pricking the stretchmarks densely with a single needle will crush the hardened Collagen bundles and that should smoothe the texture of the stretchmarks and make them less bright and shiny.  But the white scar will not disappear.


            Nevertheless, if you are lucky, then the repeated micro injuries caused by pricking the skin can cause the stretchmarks to heal with a better collagen layout, a fiber configuration that is a little more normal-skin-like. It might also trigger Melanocyte production and that will enable the stretchmarks to tan or partially tan. All this is highly individual - no guarantees.

          If your stretchmarks are very shallow (unfortunately, they are often deep), they might even disappear entirely but so far, no method can totally remove deep stretch marks - only improve them.